首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Coal Geology >Supergene and hypogene alteration in the dual-use kaolin-bearing coal deposit Angren, SE Uzbekistan

Supergene and hypogene alteration in the dual-use kaolin-bearing coal deposit Angren, SE Uzbekistan


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The Jurassic Angren coal-kaolin deposit Uzbekistan, is one of the largest producers of coal and kaolin suitable for refractories and industrial ceramics in central Asia. The Major coal seam, attaining a thickness between 4 and 24 m, is encased by kaolin-bearing bedsets which have been derived from supergene pre- and hypogene post coal kaolinization. Joint clay-mineralogical and coal petrographic analyses formed the basis of the environment analysis of this coal-kaolin series and constrained the physico-chemical conditions existing during the Triassic through Jurassic period of time. Massive kaolin I underneath the coal seam is a typical residual kaolin or underclay with arsenic Fe-disulfides and siderite indicative of a reducing swampy depositional environment developing under moderately hot climatic conditions. Towards the top, kaolin I became reworked fluvial by processes. The Major coal seam developed in swamps interfingering with a fluvial drainage system of suspended to mixed-load deposits. The maximum temperature for the post-depositional alteration of the carbonaceous material is 70 ℃. Post-coal kaolinization (kaolin II) affecting trachyandesites and trachytes is of low-temperature origin and low-sulphidation-type. The temperature of formation was well below 200 ℃, deduced from the absence of dickite in the clay mineral assemblage. Basaltic dykes intersected the coal-kaolin series and account for contact metamorphic reactions in the proximal parts of the aluminum-bearing wall rocks reaching sanidinite-facies conditions with temperatures around 1000 ℃.
机译:乌兹别克斯坦的侏罗纪安格伦煤高岭土矿床是适用于中亚耐火材料和工业陶瓷的最大的煤和高岭土生产商之一。主煤层厚度为4至24 m,由高岭土层包裹,高岭土层层床层来源于煤高岭土化后的前生和前生。粘土矿物学和煤岩学联合分析构成了该煤高岭土系列环境分析的基础,并限制了三叠纪至侏罗纪时期存在的理化条件。煤层下面的块状高岭土I是典型的残留高岭土或粘土,带有砷化铁二硫化物和菱铁矿,表明在中等高温气候条件下形成的沼泽沉积环境减少。走向顶端,高岭土我通过工艺变得轻而易举。沼泽形成的主要煤层与悬浮到混合负荷沉积物的河流排水系统交汇。碳质材料沉积后变化的最高温度为70℃。煤中的高岭土化作用(高岭土II)是造成菱锰矿和菱形锰矿的一种低温起源和低硫化类型。地层温度远低于200℃,这是由于粘土矿物组合物中没有地开石引起的。玄武岩岩层与煤-高岭土相交,并解释了含铝围岩近端部分在达到1000℃左右的温度条件下达到卫生条件下的接触变质反应。



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