首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of the Classical Tradition >Pierre Hadot, The Veil of Isis: An Essay on the History of the Idea of Nature, translated by Michael Chase (Cambridge, MA & London: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2006), XIV + 399 pp.

Pierre Hadot, The Veil of Isis: An Essay on the History of the Idea of Nature, translated by Michael Chase (Cambridge, MA & London: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2006), XIV + 399 pp.

机译:皮埃尔·哈多特(Pierre Hadot),《伊希斯的面纱:自然思想史杂文》,迈克尔·蔡斯(Michael Chase)译(麻省剑桥,伦敦:哈佛大学出版社的Belknap出版社,2006年),XIV + 399页。

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In this remarkably erudite work, Pierre Hadot surveys a vast terrain. Begin-nning with Heraclitus’ wonderfully sonic fragment, “nature loves to hide”n(fu/sij kru/ptesqai filei), he examines twenty-five centuries of literary, picto-nrial, and philosophical reflections upon “the idea of nature.” In Chapter One,nHadot begins with a philological exegesis of each of the three Greek wordsnthat comprise Heraclitus’ aphorism. By Chapter Twenty-Three he is writingnabout Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty and Wittgenstein. Confronting a work ofnsuch scope, the reader must be prepared for short, sometimes clipped, sec-ntions of commentary on a prodigious number of texts. No individual work isnprobed in any depth, but the sum of the many parts adds up to a considerablenachievement. The Veil of Isis is an impressive work of scholarship that will benuseful to scholars in a variety of disciplines.
机译:在这项非常博学的著作中,皮埃尔·哈多特(Pierre Hadot)考察了广阔的地形。从赫拉克利特的奇妙声音片段“自然喜欢隐藏”开始,他考察了二十五个世纪对“自然观念”的文学,象形文字和哲学的反思。 ”在第一章中,nHadot首先对构成赫拉克利特格言的三个希腊语中的每一个进行了语言解释。在第二十三章中,他写了关于海德格尔,梅洛-庞蒂和维特根斯坦的文章。面对如此广泛的作品,读者必须做好准备,准备对大量文本的简短,有时是剪裁的评论。没有任何深度探讨个人工作,但是许多部分的总和构成了相当大的成就。伊希斯的面纱是一项令人印象深刻的学术作品,将对各种学科的学者有所帮助。



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