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ICT and Corporate Image: The Customer's Perspective


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As new ICT products appear on the market, many managers choose to adopt them without clear evidence of the productivity benefits often claimed by vendors. Some may trust or hope that the promised benefits do eventually materialize, but others may adopt them because of ICT's symbolic meaning. This article investigates the links between ICT, corporate image, and purchase decisions or other forms of support among prospective customers, a previously neglected external stakeholder group. This article presents an experiment testing the links between IT, corporate image, and support behavior among customers. The results show that there is a strong link between conspicuous use of IT artifacts and corporate image leading to support behavior among customers. Social meaning of IT indirectly affects customer support and firm survival. This explains why savvy managers adopt new IT products that are consistent with their desired corporate images without clear evidence of the productivity benefits. Implications for theory, practice and future research are discussed.
机译:随着新的ICT产品出现在市场上,许多管理人员选择采用它们,而没有明显的证据表明供应商通常会提高生产率。有些人可能会相信或希望所承诺的利益最终会实现,但其他人则可能会因为ICT的象征意义而采用它们。本文研究了信息通信技术,企业形象以及购买决策或其他形式的支持之间的联系,这些潜在客户是以前被忽视的外部利益相关者群体。本文提供了一个测试IT,企业形象和客户支持行为之间的联系的实验。结果表明,在显着使用IT工件和企业形象之间存在紧密的联系,从而导致了客户之间的支持行为。 IT的社会意义间接影响客户支持和企业生存。这就解释了为什么精明的管理人员采用新的IT产品,使其与所需的公司形象保持一致,而又没有明显的生产率优势证据。讨论了对理论,实践和未来研究的影响。



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