首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Biometeorology >Evaluation of Golestan Province’s Early Warning System for flash floods, Iran, 2006–7

Evaluation of Golestan Province’s Early Warning System for flash floods, Iran, 2006–7


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Golestan province located in NE Iran is well known for deadly flash floods. This study aimed to evaluate the region’s Early Warning System (EWS) for flash floods. We used an adapted version of the questionnaire developed by the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction. We reviewed documents on the EWS of Golestan, and conducted a qualitative study comprising interviews with experts and affected people in Kalaleh and Minoodasht. Results were discussed by an expert panel. Regarding risk knowledge, there was a hazard map at Provincial Disaster Taskforce (PDT) drawn by the provincial Office for Water Resource Management, but no risk analysis was available. Local people were aware of their exposure to flooding, but not aware of the existence of a hazard map and their vulnerability situation. In terms of monitoring and warning, PDT faced serious limitations in issuing Early Warnings, including (1) an inability to make point predictions of rainfall, and (2) the absence of a warning threshold. Dissemination and communication issued by the Meteorological Office followed a top-to-bottom direction. The contents were neither clearly understood by other institutions nor reached the potential recipients within an appropriate time frame. There was a need for a comprehensive response plan with adequate exercises, and no evaluation framework existed. Golestan EWS is in dire need of improvement. To fill in the gaps ensuring local people receive timely warning, we propose a community-based model called "Village Disaster Taskforce" (VDT) in which individual villages act as operational units, but interlinked with other villages and PDT. Keywords Flash flood - Early warning system - Iran
机译:位于伊朗东北部的Golestan省以致命的山洪而闻名。这项研究旨在评估该地区的山洪暴发预警系统(EWS)。我们使用了由联合国国际减少灾害战略制定的问卷的改编版。我们审查了Golestan EWS上的文件,并进行了定性研究,包括对Kalaleh和Minoodasht的专家和受影响人员的采访。专家小组讨论了结果。关于风险知识,由省水资源管理办公室绘制的省灾难工作组(PDT)上有一个危害图,但是没有风险分析。当地人意识到他们遭受洪水的侵害,但没有意识到危险地图的存在及其脆弱性情况。在监视和预警方面,PDT在发布预警方面面临着严重的局限性,包括(1)无法对降雨进行点预测,以及(2)没有预警阈值。气象局的发布和沟通遵循从上到下的方向。其他机构既没有清楚地理解这些内容,也没有在适当的时限内将其传达给潜在的接收者。需要制定有充分演习的全面应对计划,并且不存在评估框架。迫切需要改进Golestan EWS。为了填补确保当地人民及时得到预警的空白,我们提出了一个基于社区的模型,称为“村庄灾难工作组”(VDT),其中各个村庄充当运营单位,但与其他村庄和PDT相互联系。突发洪水-预警系统-伊朗



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