首页> 外文期刊>International journal of architectural heritage >The structural assessment of the travertine facade of the Banco di Napoli Palace in via Toledo in Naples: An example of a mixed concrete-steel-masonry monumental building in the decade 1930-1940 in Italy

The structural assessment of the travertine facade of the Banco di Napoli Palace in via Toledo in Naples: An example of a mixed concrete-steel-masonry monumental building in the decade 1930-1940 in Italy

机译:在那不勒斯托莱多普通托莱多宫的石灰华门面的结构评估:在意大利十年十年的混合混凝土钢 - 砌体纪念大楼的一个例子

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In Italy, from 1930-1940, many governmental palaces were constructed, being characterized by monumental massive facades, realizing a simplified neoclassical architecture. This article deals with one such examples, the "Banco di Napoli" Palace in via Toledo in Naples (Italy). The building was designed by Marcello Piacentini, eminent architect of the fascist regime. Concrete was used as novel building material, both reinforced with metal bars or lattice structures and as block elements, settled up in masonry walls, and travertine was used as cladding, laid down with hidden metal joints and directly exposed to atmospheric agents. The present study focuses in particular on the typical monumental facade of the palace, with the purpose of investigating the cracking out-lines surveyed at the top level. The facade opus and cracking layout were accurately noticed through visual inspection and non-destructive techniques, such as endoscopy and pacometry. Thus, the structural assessment of the facade fabrics, by matching the outputs of in-situ tests, laboratory experiments and structural analysis was carried out in order to evaluate the structural safety and detect the points of weakness of the structures, leading to the identification of possible retrofitting interventions.
机译:在意大利,从1930年至1940年,许多政府宫殿建成了巨大的巨大外观,实现了简化的新古典主义建筑。本文涉及一个这样的例子,在那不勒斯(意大利)的普通托莱多宫内在“Banco di Napoli”宫殿。该建筑是由Marcello Piacentini,法西斯制度的杰克罗·帕辛尼,杰克罗·帕特尼的设计设计。混凝土用作新颖的建筑材料,两种用金属杆或晶格结构加强,作为砌块元素,沉降在砌体墙壁上,用岩石用作包层,用隐藏的金属接头铺设并直接暴露于大气的药剂。本研究尤其侧重于宫殿的典型巨大门面,目的是研究在顶层调查的裂化线。通过视觉检测和非破坏性技术(例如内窥镜检查和凹部)精确注意到立面泡沫和开裂布局。因此,通过匹配原位测试的输出,实验室实验和结构分析来进行外部织物的结构评估,以评估结构安全并检测结构的弱点,导致识别可能的改造干预措施。



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