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The Core Aspects of Search Engine Optimisation Necessary to Move up the Ranking


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Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the visibility, volume and quality of traffic to website or a web page in search engines via the natural search results. SEO can also target other areas of a search, including image search and local search. SEO is one of many different strategies used for marketing a website but SEO has been proven the most effective. An Internet marketing campaign may drive organic search results to websites or web pages but can be involved with paid advertising on search engines. All search engines have a unique way of ranking the importance of a website. Some search engines focus on the content while others review Meta tags to identify who and what a web site s business is. Most engines use a combination of Meta tags, content, link popularity, click popularity and longevity to determine a sites ranking. To make it even more complicated, they change their ranking policies frequently. This paper provides an overview of search engine optimisation strategies and pitfalls.
机译:搜索引擎优化(SEO)是通过自然搜索结果提高搜索引擎访问网站或网页的可见性,流量和质量的过程。 SEO还可以定位搜索的其他区域,包括图像搜索和本地搜索。 SEO是用于营销网站的许多不同策略之一,但是SEO被证明是最有效的。互联网营销活动可能会将自然搜索结果驱动到网站或网页,但可能会与搜索引擎上的付费广告有关。所有搜索引擎都有独特的方式来排名网站的重要性。一些搜索引擎专注于内容,而其他搜索引擎则查看元标记以识别网站业务的人和身份。大多数引擎结合使用元标记,内容,链接受欢迎程度,点击受欢迎程度和寿命来确定网站排名。为了使其更加复杂,他们经常更改其排名政策。本文概述了搜索引擎优化策略和陷阱。



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