首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing >Interval-based fast fault detection and identification applied to radio-navigation multipath

Interval-based fast fault detection and identification applied to radio-navigation multipath


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Detection and identification of faulty measurements like multipath are of prime importance for radio navigation. A method based on interval analysis and constraint propagation is presented in this paper and applied to the GPS positioning. This method is able to detect and identify erroneous measurements in real time simultaneously with the computation of the positioning domain. With bounded-error measurements (GPS pseudoranges on visible satellites here), fault detection is guaranteed not to trigger false alarms. A q-relaxed robust estimation method is studied. By the use of a breadth-first exploration strategy and of measurement consistency counters, the algorithm can promptly signal a detected fault during the set-inversion process. It can also be stopped at any time of the evaluation and can instantly return the solution subpaving and the list of identified erroneous measurements. We demonstrate that the method is able to handle simultaneous faults as long as they are fewer than the degree of relaxation. The method has been evaluated with real GPS pseudodistances in an urban environment with a low-cost high-sensitivity GPS receiver providing numerous faulty multipath measurements, and we report experiments. As the application of this method deals with road vehicles, a three-dimensional map of the drivable space has also been used to constrain the vehicle location to improve the performance of the method. Copyright (c) 2015John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:检测和识别诸如多径之类的错误测量对于无线电导航至关重要。提出了一种基于区间分析和约束传播的方法,并将其应用于GPS定位。该方法能够在计算定位域的同时实时检测和识别错误的测量结果。通过有限误差测量(此处可见卫星上的GPS伪距),可以确保故障检测不会触发错误警报。研究了一种q松弛鲁棒估计方法。通过使用广度优先的探索策略和测量一致性计数器,该算法可以在集反转过程中迅速发出检测到的故障信号。也可以在评估的任何时间停止它,并可以立即返回解决方案铺贴和已识别错误测量值的列表。我们证明该方法能够处理同时发生的故障,只要它们小于松弛程度即可。该方法已经在具有低成本高灵敏度GPS接收器的城市环境中使用真实GPS伪距进行了评估,该接收器提供了许多错误的多径测量,我们报告了实验。由于此方法的应用涉及公路车辆,因此可驾驶空间的三维地图也已用于约束车辆位置以改善该方法的性能。版权所有(c)2015 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.



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