首页> 外文期刊>International journal of accounting and information management >Regime change in the accounting for goodwill Goodwill write-offs and the value relevance of older goodwill

Regime change in the accounting for goodwill Goodwill write-offs and the value relevance of older goodwill


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Purpose - This study aims to examine the impact of the recent regime change in accounting for goodwill, from the systematic periodic amortisation to the impairment testing, on the frequency and the extent of goodwill write-off s in the context of Australia. It also examines the impact of the change from the amortisation approach to the impairment approach on the value relevance of older goodwill. Design/methodology/approach - The authors approach the first research question by comparing the actual amount of goodwill impairment charge by the sample firms with the minimum "as if" amortisation charge that would have been required under the amortisation regime. The authors approach the second question using a modified Ohlson model (1995), similar to Bugeja and Gallery (2006). The sample consists of 911 firm-year observations with the number of observations in the particular year being 238,242,220 and 211 in 2009,2008,2007 and 2006, respectively. Findings - The findings suggest that the adoption of the impairment approach has decreased the frequency and the amount of goodwill write-off. The goodwill impairment amount is substantially less than the "as if" amortisation amount that would have been required under the amortisation regime. The results also suggest that older goodwill is now value-relevant, whereas goodwill purchased during the current year is not value-relevant. One reason for this may be that AASB 3: Business Combination allows for the provisional allocation of the purchase price to goodwill to be allocated to other identifiable intangible assets latter on. Hence, during the year of business combination, investors do not form a firm view of the amount of goodwill arising out of the business combination. Research limitations/implications - This study uses data for the first four years since the inception of the impairment approach. Practical implications - The findings of this study have important implications for the fair value accounting debate. The discretions allowed the managers under the impairment approach to improve the information content of goodwill. The relatively low levels of goodwill impairment even during the 2008-2009 global financial crisis contradict to the apprehensions found in the literature that managers will use the goodwill write-off as a tool for downward earnings management. The findings also imply that if managers are allowed with adequate flexibility through accounting standards rather than stipulating some systematic and mechanistic rules, the information value of the accounting measurement may improve. Social implications - The findings feed into the debate of "rule-based" versus "principle-based" accounting standards and favours the "principle-based" accounting standards. The findings also contribute to the accounting measurement literature by concluding that if allowed with discretionary choices, managers may not always opt for the conservative accounting measurements (such as, recording goodwill write-offs). Originality/value - Adopting an alternative approach, this study shows that the fair value accounting for goodwill has resulted in an optimistic approach to goodwill write-offs. It has also improved the information content of reported goodwill. This is the first known study addressing the research questions in consideration after the adoption of the goodwill impairment approach.
机译:目的-这项研究旨在研究在澳大利亚范围内,最近的制度变更对商誉的会计处理(从系统的定期摊销到减值测试)对商誉冲销的频率和程度的影响。它还研究了从摊销方法到减值方法的变化对旧商誉的价值相关性的影响。设计/方法/方法-作者通过比较样本公司的商誉减损费的实际金额与摊销制度下所需的最低“好像”摊销费,来解决第一个研究问题。作者使用修正的Ohlson模型(1995年)来处理第二个问题,类似于Bugeja和Gallery(2006年)。该样本由911个公司年度观测值组成,特定年份的观测值分别在2009、2008、2007和2006年分别为238,242,220和211。调查结果-调查结果表明采用减值方法减少了商誉冲销的频率和数量。商誉减值金额远小于摊销制度下所需的“好像”摊销金额。结果还表明,较旧的商誉现在与价值相关,而当年购买的商誉与价值无关。原因之一可能是AASB 3:企业合并允许将购买价格临时分配给商誉,然后再分配给其他可识别的无形资产。因此,在企业合并期间,投资者对企业合并产生的商誉金额没有明确的看法。研究的局限性/含义-该研究使用了从开始采用减损方法以来的头四年的数据。实际意义-这项研究的发现对公允价值会计辩论具有重要意义。酌处权允许管理人采用减值法改善商誉的信息内容。即使在2008-2009年全球金融危机期间,商誉减损的水平也相对较低,这与文献中关于经理人将商誉冲销用作向下收益管理工具的担忧相矛盾。调查结果还暗示,如果允许经理通过会计准则具有足够的灵活性,而不是规定一些系统性和机械性的规则,则会计计量的信息价值可能会提高。社会影响-研究结果引发了关于“基于规则”与“基于原理”的会计准则的争论,并支持“基于原理”的会计准则。这些结论还有助于得出会计计量文献的结论,即如果允许酌情选择,管理人员可能不会总是选择保守的会计计量(例如记录商誉冲销)。原创性/价值-采用替代方法,本研究表明,商誉的公允价值会计处理导致了商誉冲销的乐观方法。它还改善了所报告商誉的信息内容。这是采用商誉减损方法后,第一个针对正在考虑的研究问题的已知研究。



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