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Don't blame the underwriters


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A lot has been made of the decision by Israeli bio-pharma company Vascular Biogenics, operating as VBL Therapeutics, to terminate the underwriting agreement for its Nasdaq IPO several days after the US$64.8m deal had already printed. On the basis of the information available, it seems to be a simple - albeit unusual - case of an existing shareholder not keeping to their agreement to purchase a substantial line of stock in the offering, leaving the lead underwriters Deutsche Bank and Wells Fargo high and dry and in breach of material information contained in the prospectus that could have left them vulnerable to litigation. Existing shareholders had committed to purchasing almost 54% of the stock, and you imagine outside shareholders would have relied on that both as a guide to price performance and as a show of support for the company. As is pretty typical, VBL is owned by insiders. Company executives, directors, 5% shareholders and affiliates beneficially owned around 78.5% of voting shares in the run-up to the IPO. If they had purchased all of the shares as agreed, they would still have owned 71.2%.
机译:以色列生物制药公司Vascular Biogenics(以VBL Therapeutics经营)决定在纳斯达克首次公开募股(已售出6,480万美元)几天后终止其承销协议的决定。根据现有的信息,这似乎是一个简单的(尽管不寻常)案例,即现有股东未遵守其购买要约中大量股票的协议,从而导致主要承销商德意志银行和富国银行的表现不佳。干燥并且违反了招股说明书中包含的重要信息,可能使他们容易受到诉讼的伤害。现有股东已承诺购买近54%的股票,并且您想像外部股东会以此为依据来指导股价表现和对公司的支持。通常,VBL由内部人员拥有。在首次公开募股前,公司高管,董事,5%的股东和关联公司实际拥有约78.5%的有表决权的股份。如果他们按照协议购买了所有股份,他们仍将拥有71.2%的股份。



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