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Europeans eye Yankees for issuance


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European banks are expected to flock to the Yankee bond market with Additional Tier 1 and Tier 2 issuance in the autumn, now that the cost savings of issuing in dollars have far outstripped those in euros. A sharp rally in dollar-denominated European Tier 2 securities last week made it possible for certain European banks to reap at least 50bp of savings if they go to the US market rather than euros, including the cost of swapping back to their home currency. Bankers differ on how much savings are to be had by issuing AT1s in dollars. But most agree that the Yankee market will be the place for Europe's financials if they want a combination of large deal size, strong demand and better pricing for capital. "The dollar market is more competitive right now and the basis swap has moved in favour of European borrowers issuing in dollars and swapping back to euros, so we could see financials look to take advantage of this," said Alexandra MacMahon, head of FIG DCM for EMEA at Citigroup.
机译:鉴于秋季以美元发行的成本节省已远远超过了以欧元发行的成本,预计欧洲银行将在秋季通过增发1级和2级债券而涌向洋基债券市场。上周,以美元计价的欧洲第二级证券大幅上涨,使得某些欧洲银行有可能在进入美国市场而不是欧元的情况下获得至少50个基点的储蓄,包括转换回本国货币的成本。银行家对以美元发行AT1可以节省多少有所不同。但是大多数人都认为,如果洋基市场希望将大宗交易规模,强劲需求和更好的资本定价结合起来,将成为欧洲金融业的大本营。 FIG DCM负责人亚历山德拉·麦克马洪(Alexandra MacMahon)表示:“美元市场现在更具竞争性,基准掉期交易已转向欧洲借款人发行美元并转换回欧元的方式,因此我们可以看到金融机构希望利用这一优势。”于花旗集团(Citigroup)的EMEA。



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