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Norske Skog goes it alone for last roll of the debt dice

机译:诺斯克·斯科格(Norske Skog)独自完成了最后一期债务

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Norske Skog's decision to single-handedly launch a distressed exchange on its bonds took market participants by surprise last week, though most think the latest proposals will do little to solve the paper maker's crippling debt woes. The Norwegian firm has offered holders of its 2016 and 2017 bonds an exchange into longer dated notes with lower interest at a haircut, while warning that it may need a comprehensive balance sheet restructuring if the deal is not successful. It is the second time this year that the company has tried to push through a debt exchange as its already poor performance has declined further. However, it did not appoint banks to help it with the new exchange, a very unusual step though some thought it was understandable. "Last time they paid the equivalent of half a year's capex (in fees) for a deal that ultimately didn't work," said a hedge fund investor.
机译:上周,诺尔斯克·斯科格(Norske Skog)决定单手对其债券进行不良交易所的决定,令市场参与者感到意外,尽管大多数人认为最新提议对解决造纸商令人担忧的债务困境没有多大作用。这家挪威公司已向其2016年和2017年债券的持有人提供了一次可转换债券,可在减价时兑换成利率较低的较长期限债券,同时警告说,如果交易不成功,可能需要进行全面的资产负债表重组。由于已经糟糕的业绩进一步下降,这是该公司今年第二次尝试进行债务交换。但是,它没有任命银行来帮助它进行新交易所,这是非常不寻常的一步,尽管有人认为这是可以理解的。一家对冲基金投资者说:“上一次,他们为这项交易最终没有用,支付了相当于半年资本支出的费用。”



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