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Asia's richest person: the title fight


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You have to enjoy the fabulously entertaining spectacle that is the fight to win the title of Asia's richest person. Following the IPO last year of his online retailer Alibaba, that title went to China's Jack Ma. The physically unprepossessing Mr Ma somehow didn't look like what I imagined Asia's richest man to look like. Then again, just what is Asia's richest man supposed to look like? I have the answer to that. He's supposed to look like Li Ka-shing; lean and soigne, trademark offbeat square spectacles framing the wily face that has become iconic thanks to his owning of that title for most of the last two decades.
机译:您必须享受极富娱乐性的奇观,这是赢得亚洲首富之称的斗争。自去年在线零售商阿里巴巴(Alibaba)进行首次公开​​募股(IPO)之后,该头衔授予了中国的马云(Jack Ma)。马云对自己毫无用处,看上去并不像我想象中的亚洲首富那样。再说一次,亚洲首富应该是什么样子?我有答案。他应该看起来像李嘉诚;瘦瘦的身材,标志性的另类方形眼镜架出了这位狡猾的面孔,这要归功于他过去二十年来大部分时间都拥有该头衔。



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