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European Union Expert Group To Debate How To Handle Nanomaterials Under Reach


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An EU expert group on nanomaterials is scheduled to meet Feb. 5-6 to continue discussions about how substances at the nanoscale should be treated under the REACH chemicals legislation. The group, known as CASG Nano, is a subgroup convened by the competent authorities (CA) responsible for overseeing the implementation of REACH in EU member states. The REACH CAs work with the Helsinki-based European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) on technical legislative issues related to REACH, which stands for the registration, evaluation, and authorization of chemicals. In a document dated Dec. 16 and obtained by BNA, the REACH CAs note that "there are no provisions in REACH referring specifically to nanomaterials," and substances at the nanoscale are currently regarded as not being different to the "bulk form" of the same substances for the purpose of compliance with REACH.
机译:欧盟纳米材料专家小组定于2月5日至6日举行会议,继续讨论如何根据REACH化学品法规对纳米级物质进行处理。该小组称为CASG Nano,是由主管当局(CA)召集的一个小组,负责监督REACH在欧盟成员国中的实施情况。 REACH CA与总部位于赫尔辛基的欧洲化学品管理局(ECHA)合作处理与REACH有关的技术立法问题,REACH代表化学品的注册,评估和授权。在BNA于12月16日发布的文件中,REACH CA指出“ REACH中没有专门针对纳米材料的规定”,并且纳米级物质目前被认为与该物质的“本体形式”并无不同。符合REACH要求的相同物质。



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