首页> 外文期刊>International environment reporter >German Cabinet Adopts Proposals to Reduce Renewable Energy Subsidies, Consumer Costs

German Cabinet Adopts Proposals to Reduce Renewable Energy Subsidies, Consumer Costs


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Germany's Cabinet has adopted a series of proposals that would radically cut financial support for renewable energy and provide the foundation for an upcoming amendment to the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG). The measures were proposed by Minister of Energy and Economics Sigmar Gabriel in a white paper and adopted by the Cabinet Jan. 23. Gabriel took office in December (37 INER 21, 1/1/14). The measures include a cap on wind and biomass energy subsidies similar to the one adopted for solar installations in June 2012 and aim to decrease the average rate paid to green energy producers per kilowatt-hour generated from 17 euro cents (23 cents) on average to 12 euro cents (16.4 cents).
机译:德国内阁通过了一系列提案,这些提案将从根本上削减对可再生能源的财政支持,并为即将到来的《可再生能源法》(EEG)修正案奠定基础。这些措施是由能源和经济部长西格玛·加布里埃尔(Sigmar Gabriel)在白皮书中提出的,并于1月23日由内阁通过。加布里埃尔(Gabriel)于12月上任(37 INER 21,1 / 1/14)。这些措施包括对风能和生物质能的补贴上限,类似于2012年6月对太阳能装置采取的补贴,目的是将支付给绿色能源生产者的每千瓦时平均费用从平均17欧分(23美分)降低到12欧分(16.4美分)。



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