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Regulations to Sharply Limit Seal Trade Survive EU High Court as Challenge Rejected


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Regulations that sharply limit the import and sale of seal products in Europe were upheld by the EU Court of Justice Sept. 3 (Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami v. Comm'n, E.C.J., No. C-398/13 P, 9/3/15). The Luxembourg-based court rejected a challenge brought by Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, a nonprofit group which represents Canadian Inuits, and various manufacturers and traders of seal products against the regulations. Citing animal welfare concerns and the need to harmonize rules across EU member states, the regulations in question prohibit the entry of seal products into the European market except under limited exemptions, such as when the goods are byproducts of marine resource management activities or subsistence hunts by indigenous communities.
机译:9月3日,欧盟法院维持了严格限制在欧洲进口和销售海豹产品的法规(因纽特人Tapiriit Kanatami诉Comm',ECJ,C-398 / 13 P,9/3/15) )。总部位于卢森堡的法院驳回了代表加拿大因纽特人的非营利组织因纽特人Tapiriit Kanatami以及各种违反规定的密封产品制造商和贸易商提出的质疑。出于对动物福利的关注以及在欧盟成员国之间统一法规的需要,该法规禁止海豹产品进入欧洲市场,但在有限的豁免下除外,例如当货物是海洋资源管理活动的副产品或土著社区。



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