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Mozambique is endowed with substantial untapped hydrocarbon reserves. Although petroleum exploration operations commenced in the 1940s, a long period of instability and civil war from the 1970s until the early 1990s prevented any significant development and production. In the last decade, however, the country has emerged as one of the world's fastest growing economies and there have been significant discoveries of natural gas (mainly offshore). Plans to monetise these reserves include the construction of pipelines and a liquefaction plant to enable the export of LNG from Mozambique. In 2012, the Government of Mozambique published a draft petroleum law (the Draft Petroleum Law) intended to replace the earlier law enacted in 2001. The structure, and indeed much of the content, of the Draft Petroleum Law mirrors the 2001 Law. The differences from the 2001 Law largely reflect the fact that the government now considers natural gas, rather than oil, to be the primary source of its future income in this sector and therefore wishes to ensure that the development of gas-related infrastructure, in particular LNG, is covered by the proposed legislation.
机译:莫桑比克拥有大量未开发的碳氢化合物储量。尽管石油勘探活动始于1940年代,但从1970年代到1990年代初期的长期动荡和内战阻止了任何重大的开发和生产。然而,在过去的十年中,该国已成为世界上增长最快的经济体之一,并且已经发现了天然气(主要是近海)。将这些储备货币化的计划包括建设管道和液化工厂,以使莫桑比克可以出口液化天然气。 2012年,莫桑比克政府发布了石油法草案(石油法草案),以取代2001年颁布的早期法律。石油法草案的结构和实际上的大部分内容都与2001年法律类​​似。与2001年法律的差异主要反映了一个事实,即政府现在认为天然气而不是石油是该部门未来收入的主要来源,因此希望确保发展与天然气相关的基础设施,特别是液化天然气(LNG)受拟议法律的保护。



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