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An experimental study of forced convection effectiveness of Al_2O_3-water nanofluid flowing in circular tubes


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In the present study, experimental efforts have been performed to explore the forced convection heat transfer using water-based suspension of Al_2O_3 nanoparticles (nanofluid) to replace the pure water as the working fluids in circular tubes. The nanofluid was prepared as a functional forced convection fluid and the thermal properties including the density, thermal conductivity, and dynamic viscosity were investigated experimentally. Besides, forced convection heat transfer in circular tubes was investigated with water-based nanofluid containing various mass fractions of the Al_2O_3 nanoparticles (2,5, and 10 wt%) under the following operating conditions: the volume flow rate Q_f-= 23.6-183.5 cm~3/min (the Reynolds number Re_(f,0) = 188-2095), the heating power applied at the outer wall of the tube q"(0,eff) = 1908-7362 W/m~2, and the inlet fluid temperature T_(in) = 24.5-25.5 °C or 49.5-50.5 °C. Measured data showed that the dispersion of increasing mass fraction of A1_20_3 nanoparticles can effectively improve the thermal conductivity relative to the pure water. Besides, higher average heat transfer effectiveness ξ_(h.btd )and figure of merit FOM are noted for the cases with higher inlet fluid temperature T_(in).
机译:在本研究中,已经进行了实验工作以探索使用Al_2O_3纳米颗粒(纳米流体)的水基悬浮液代替圆管中的纯水作为工作流体的强制对流传热。将纳米流体制备为功能性强制对流流体,并通过实验研究了包括密度,导热率和动态粘度在内的热性能。此外,在以下操作条件下,使用含有各种质量分数的Al_2O_3纳米粒子(2.5和10 wt%)的水基纳米流体研究了圆管中的强制对流传热:体积流量Q_f- = 23.6-183.5 cm〜3 / min(雷诺数Re_(f,0)= 188-2095),施加在管子外壁上的加热功率q“(0,eff)= 1908-7362 W / m〜2,并且进水温度T_(in)= 24.5-25.5°C或49.5-50.5°C。实测数据表明,相对于纯净水,增加的A1_20_3纳米粒子质量分数的分散可以有效地提高导热系数。入口流体温度T_(in)较高的情况下,记录了传热效率ξ_(h.btd)和品质因数FOM。



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