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Design Advice for the African Home: Translating 'Colonial Style,'1945-1962


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This article examines design advice for Ugandan homes in the late British Empire. Examining a set of advice books written by European women for Ugandans after the Second World War, it shows the development of a local "colonial style" resulting from the intersection of European ideals and African materials and traditions. This style was influenced by a global trend toward education in domesticity for colonial subjects developed largely by missionaries. It also drew on an established corpus of design advice written for Britons settling or sojourning overseas. The design of the "ideal African home" was one reflecting values of simplicity, inventiveness, practicality, cleanliness, and order. Interiors were to include certain material signs of "civilization" and use color and art to express particular social messages. Neither an exact replica of British or European styles nor a completely indigenous product, the proposed mid-century rural Ugandan home can be read as a marker of tensions between local tradition and global modernity, between empowering African women and limiting their influence, and between the ideals of a "civilizing mission" and an awareness of the impending end of empire.
机译:本文探讨了大英帝国晚期乌干达房屋的设计建议。审查了第二次世界大战后欧洲妇女为乌干达人撰写的一系列建议书,它显示了欧洲理想与非洲材料和传统的融合所产生的当地“殖民风格”的发展。这种风格受到传教士主要发展的殖民地家庭科目教育全球趋势的影响。它还借鉴了为英国人在海外定居或居住而设计的既定设计建议书集。 “理想的非洲家庭”的设计体现了简单,创新,实用,清洁和秩序的价值。室内应包括某些“文明”的物质标志,并使用色彩和艺术表达特定的社会信息。拟建的本世纪中叶的乌干达乡村住宅既不是英国或欧洲风格的精确复制品,也不是完全本土的产品,不能被理解为当地传统与全球现代性,赋予非洲妇女权力与限制其影响力以及“文明使命”的理想以及对帝国即将灭亡的认识。



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