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Experimenting with time: therapeutic spaces in the German interwar novel


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In the German novels of the beginning of the twentieth century, therapeutic spaces such as sanatoria, psychiatric hospitals or therapist's offices were used prominently as the setting of the novel or of crucial scenes. Reflecting the ambivalence of modernity, these therapeutic settings were on the one hand spaces where one could escape from the hectic pace of modern life and on the other hand spaces in which the most modern innovations (new theories about the psyche, new technologies, new architectural principles...) were deployed. In this article the function of the sanatorium in Thomas Mann's Der Zauberberg and the psychiatric hospital in Robert Musil's Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften will be studied in the light of a crisis in the experience of time. Both these novels begin with staging a crisis in the experience of continuous linear time, which is in both cases staged in architectural terms. The fact that the protagonists of both novels are unable to take up their intended social position, following their fathers, is presented as the crisis of a specific conception of temporality and interiority. The therapeutic settings function as literary devices which allow for the exploration of different responses to this crisis. Neither a flight from modernity nor a picture of a society gone mad, these settings contain elements from different temporal regimes, existing side by side. The therapeutic spaces are experimental spaces characterized by multitemporality where the impact of modernity on the tradition can be assessed and different responses to the crisis of time explored.
机译:在20世纪初的德国小说中,诸如疗养院,精神病医院或治疗师办公室等治疗空间被用作小说或关键场景的背景。这些治疗设置反映了现代性的矛盾性,一方面是可以摆脱现代生活忙碌节奏的空间,另一方面是可以进行最现代的创新(关于心理学的新理论,新技术,新建筑)的空间。原则...)。本文将根据时间经验的危机来研究托马斯·曼恩(Thomas Mann)的Der Zauberberg疗养院的功能和罗伯特·穆西尔(Robert Musil)的Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften的精神病医院的功能。这两本小说均以持续线性时间的体验开始陷入危机,这在两种情况下都是从建筑角度讲的。这两部小说的主人公都无法跟随其父亲而承担起原定的社会地位,这一事实被认为是对时间性和内在性的特定观念的危机。治疗环境用作文学工具,可以探索对这一危机的不同反应。既不是逃避现代性,也不是发疯的社会图景,这些环境都包含着并存的不同时空体系的要素。治疗空间是具有多时间性特征的实验性空间,在这里可以评估现代性对传统的影响,并探索对时间危机的不同反应。



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