首页> 外文期刊>Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Transactions on >A Genetic-Algorithm-Based Approach to Solve Carpool Service Problems in Cloud Computing

A Genetic-Algorithm-Based Approach to Solve Carpool Service Problems in Cloud Computing


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Traffic congestion has been a serious problem in many urban areas around the world. Carpooling is one of the most effective solutions to traffic congestion. It consists of increasing the occupancy rate of cars by reducing the empty seats in these vehicles effectively. In this paper, an advanced carpool system is described in detail and called the (ICS), which provides carpoolers the use of the carpool services via a smart handheld device anywhere and at any time. The carpool service agency in the ICS is integrated with the abundant geographical, traffic, and societal information and used to manage requests. For help in coordinating the ride matches via the carpool service agency, we apply the genetic algorithm to propose the genetic-based carpool route and matching algorithm (GCRMA) for this multiobjective optimization problem called the (CSP). The experimental section shows that the proposed GCRMA is compared with two single-point methods: the random-assignment hill climbing algorithm and the greedy-assignment hill climbing algorithm on real-world scenarios. Use of the GCRMA was proved to result in superior results involving the optimization objectives of CSP than other algorithms. Furthermore, our GCRMA operates with significantly a small amount of computational complexity to response the match results in the reasonable time, and the processing time is further reduced by the termination criteria of early stop.
机译:在世界上许多城市地区,交通拥堵一直是一个严重的问题。拼车是解决交通拥堵最有效的方法之一。它包括通过有效减少这些车辆的空座位来提高汽车的占用率。在本文中,详细描述了一种先进的拼车系统,并将其称为(ICS),该系统可通过智能手持设备随时随地为拼车者提供拼车服务的使用。 ICS中的拼车服务代理与大量的地理,交通和社会信息集成在一起,并用于管理请求。为了帮助拼车服务机构协调乘车匹配,我们应用了遗传算法针对此多目标优化问题(CSP)提出了基于遗传的拼车路线和匹配算法(GCRMA)。实验部分表明,将所提出的GCRMA与两种单点方法进行了比较:在现实世界中,随机分配爬山算法和贪婪分配爬山算法。事实证明,与其他算法相比,使用GCRMA可获得涉及CSP优化目标的出色结果。此外,我们的GCRMA以极少的计算复杂度运行,以在合理的时间内响应匹配结果,并且通过提前停止的终止标准进一步缩短了处理时间。



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