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    Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Transactions on

  • 中文名称: 智能交通系统,IEEE事务
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  • ISSN: 1524-9050
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    摘要:This paper proposes an approach to make constant-spacing vehicle platoons robust to large delays and loss of communication. It is well known that centralized communication of the desired trajectory is important to simultaneously guarantee both string stability and constant-spacing in platoons. However, the performance of the resulting connected vehicle system (CVS) is vulnerable to large communication delays and communication loss. The main contribution of this work is a new delayed-self-reinforcement-based (DSR-based) approach that approximates the centralized communication based control by a decentralized predecessor follower (PF) control. The resulting blending of centralized communication with the decentralized DSR approach results in predecessor-leader follower (PLF) control with (i) robustness of the convergence to consensus under large communication delays and (ii) substantially-smaller spacing errors under loss of communication. Comparative simulations show that, for the same level of robustness to internal-stability and string-stability, the variation in settling time to consensus for PLF with DSR under large communication delays is 95 less than PLF without DSR and the steady-state error with DSR under loss of communication is 80 less than PLF without DSR.
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    摘要:As a popular instance of sharing economy, ridesharing has been widely adopted in recent years. To use the convenient ridesharing service, riders and drivers have to share with the service provider their private trip information, which impedes users from freely enjoying the benefits of ridesharing. However, existing studies in ridesharing mainly focus on the optimization of rider-driver matching but ignore the protection of privacy of users. In this paper, we propose P2Ride, a Practical and Privacy-preserving Ride-matching scheme for ridesharing, which enables the service provider to efficiently match drivers with appropriate riders without learning the privacy of both drivers and riders. In P2Ride, we first convert the complex ride-matching computation into equality testing by leveraging overlapping partition systems, and then achieve the privacy-preserving ride-matching by designing a novel non-interactive private equality testing protocol. We prove the security of the proposed P2Ride theoretically. Moreover, a prototype of the P2Ride is implemented, and the experiment results over a real-world dataset demonstrate that the proposed P2Ride can achieve both high ride-matching accuracy and practical efficiency.
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    摘要:Traffic congestion has a negative economic and environmental impact. Traffic conditions become even worse in areas with high volume of trucks. In this paper, we propose a coordinated pricing-and-routing scheme for truck drivers to efficiently route trucks into the network and improve the overall traffic conditions. A basic characteristic of our approach is the fact that we provide personalized routing instructions based on drivers’ individual routing preferences. In contrast with previous works that provide personalized routing suggestions, our approach optimizes over a total system-wide cost through a combined pricing-and-routing scheme that satisfies the budget balance on average property and ensures that every truck driver has an incentive to participate in the proposed mechanism by guaranteeing that the expected total utility of a truck driver (including payments) in case he/she decides to participate in the mechanism, is greater than or equal to his/her expected utility in case he/she does not participate. Since estimating a utility function for each individual truck driver is computationally intensive, we first divide the truck drivers into disjoint clusters based on their responses to a small number of binary route choice questions and we subsequently propose to use a learning scheme based on the Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) principle that allows us to learn the parameters of the utility function that describes each cluster. The estimated utilities are then used to calculate a pricing-and-routing scheme with the aforementioned characteristics. Simulation results in the Sioux Falls network demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed pricing-and-routing scheme.
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    摘要:With the growing traffic congestion problem, more and more deep reinforcement learning (DRL) methods have been applied in traffic signals control(TSC). But researches show that DRL is very fragile with abnormal data. In this paper, special traffic state abnormal data (TSAD) are simulated, based on which the robustness of DRL is analyzed and improved for traffic signals control. Firstly, the perturbation noise is generated based on the Discrete CarlinWagner attack, which is then added to the normal data to simulate the TSAD. Secondly, under different type of TSAD, the robustness of DRL models for traffic signals control is explored, which are demonstrated to have certain vulnerability, especially with high traffic flows. Finally, induction model based on reward detection (IMR) and mask the activation values of decision neurons (MVN) are proposed to effectively improve the robustness of DRL models for traffic signals control.
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    摘要:In this article, a Switched Modular Multi-coil Array transmitter pad integrated with coil RecTenna (SMMART) is designed to present an intelligent wireless drone charging system that improves lateral misalignment tolerance. The resultant optimized design constitutes four independent transmitter modules, wherein each includes four spatially distributed $2times 2$ array coils. Therefore, the proposed design induces a maximal uniform voltage in the Rx coil region. Moreover, the optimization procedure accounts for the miniaturization of transmitter coil size without compromising the misalignment tolerance by overlapping various transmitter modules. In addition, a novel coil-based detection system for wireless chargeable drone applications is proposed to activate the desired transmitter module based on the position of the receiver coil. The detection system consists of an array of coil rectennas integrated with a switching circuit to reduce the undesired magnetic field, enhancing the link efficiency. The prototype of the charging pad is fabricated using Litz wire, and the S21-based link efficiency is measured using an experimental setup. Besides, the fabricated coil rectenna sensor array system demonstrates a real-application model of the detection system. Hence, the proposed transmitter pad improves lateral misalignment tolerance and is considered a potential wireless drone charging system design.
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    摘要:With the advent of self-driving vehicles, autonomous driving systems will have to rely on a vast number of heterogeneous sensors to perform dynamic perception of the surrounding environment. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) systems increase the resolution of conventional mass-market radars by exploiting the vehicle’s ego-motion, requiring very accurate knowledge of the trajectory, usually not compatible with automotive-grade navigation systems. In this setting, radar data are typically used to refine the navigation-based trajectory estimation with so-called autofocus algorithms. Although widely used in remote sensing applications, where the timeliness of the imaging is not an issue, autofocus in automotive scenarios calls for simple yet effective processing options to enable real-time environment imaging. This paper aims at providing a comprehensive theoretical and experimental analysis of the autofocus requirements in typical automotive scenarios. We analytically derive the effects of navigation-induced trajectory estimation errors on SAR imaging, in terms of defocusing and wrong targets’ localization. Then, we propose a motion estimation and compensation workflow tailored to automotive applications, leveraging a set of stationary Ground Control Points (GCPs) in the low-resolution radar images (before SAR focusing). We theoretically discuss the impact of the GCPs position and focusing height on SAR imaging, highlighting common pitfalls and possible countermeasures. Finally, we show the effectiveness of the proposed technique employing experimental data gathered during open road campaign by a 77 GHz multiple-input multiple-output radar mounted in a forward-looking configuration.
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    摘要:Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) is a low-cost way to deal with the lack of annotations in a new domain. For outdoor point clouds in urban transportation scenes, the mismatch of sampling patterns and the transferability difference between classes make cross-domain segmentation extremely difficult. To overcome these challenges, we propose a category-level adversarial framework. Firstly, we propose a multi-scale domain conditioned block that facilitates to extract the critical low-level domain-dependent knowledge and reduce the domain gap caused by distinct LiDAR sampling patterns. Secondly, we make full use of multiple representation forms (i.e., point-based sets and voxel-based cells) and utilize the prediction consistency between the two forms to measure how well each point is semantically aligned. The model then focuses on the poorly-aligned points without affecting the well-aligned points. Experimental results on three autonomous driving point cloud datasets show that the proposed method outperforms existing methods by a large margin, especially on the low-beam to high-beam cross-domain segmentation task.
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    摘要:With the rapid growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) applications in Maritime Transportation Systems (MTS), cyber-attacks and challenges in data safety have also increased extensively. Meanwhile, the IoT devices are resource-constrained and cannot implement the existing security systems, making them susceptible to various types of debilitating cyber-attacks. The dynamics in the attack processes in IoT-enabled MTS networks keep changing, which makes a traditional offline or batch ML-based attack detection systems intractable to apply. This paper provides a novel approach of using an adaptive incremental passive-aggressive machine learning (AI-PAML) method to create a network attack detection system (NADS) to protect the IoT devices in an MTS environment. In this paper, we propose an NADS that utilizes a multi-access edge computing (MEC) platform to provide computational resources to execute the proposed model at a network end. Since online learning models face data saturation problems, we present an improved approximate linear dependence and a modified hybrid forgetting mechanism to filter the inefficient data and keep the detection model up-to-date. The proposed data filtering ensures that the model does not experience a rapid increase in unwarranted data, which affects the model’s attack detection rate. A Markov transition probability is applied to control the MEC selection and data offloading process by the IoT devices. The performance of the NADS is verified using selected benchmark datasets and a realistic IoT environment. Experimental results demonstrate that AI-PAML achieves remarkable performance in the NADS design for an MTS environment.
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    摘要:Existing learning-based algorithms have a certain potential in visual odometry. In this work, we propose the solution of the learning-based method, which contains the attention mechanism and pose graph optimization. We set a self-supervised network as our backbone to cope with image data and error-heavy estimation pose for pose correction. The pre-processing camera poses involved in the network can provide prior information. Combining the advantages of the abundant feature information and efficient attention mechanism, we design a geometric attention module that is sensitive to geometrical structure from images to accurately regress the rotation matrix. Then we improve the loss function with the weights of the attention module to consider the diversity of the data. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and reliability of our approach on the public datasets KITTI with monocular task and stereo task. In comparison, the proposed method is superior to the existing methods in the translation component. In the self-supervised network, learning an attention mechanism can extract an effective connect relation of feature maps. We conduct ablation experiments under the self-supervised network backbone setting different strategies, and conclude that the proposed attention module is applicable to various sequences, and provide loss function improvements on the visual odometry task.
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    摘要:Monocular simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) is emerging in advanced driver assistance systems and autonomous driving, because a single camera is cheap and easy to install. Conventional monocular SLAM has two major challenges leading inaccurate localization and mapping. First, it is challenging to estimate scales in localization and mapping. Second, conventional monocular SLAM uses inappropriate mapping factors such as dynamic objects and low-parallax areas in mapping. This paper proposes an improved real-time monocular SLAM that resolves the aforementioned challenges by efficiently using deep learning-based semantic segmentation. To achieve the real-time execution of the proposed method, we apply semantic segmentation only to downsampled keyframes in parallel with mapping processes. In addition, the proposed method corrects scales of camera poses and three-dimensional (3D) points, using estimated ground plane from road-labeled 3D points and the real camera height. The proposed method also removes inappropriate corner features labeled as moving objects and low parallax areas. Experiments with eight video sequences demonstrate that the proposed monocular SLAM system achieves significantly improved and comparable trajectory tracking accuracy, compared to existing state-of-the-art monocular and stereo SLAM systems, respectively. The proposed system can achieve real-time tracking on a standard CPU potentially with a standard GPU support, whereas existing segmentation-aided monocular SLAM does not.
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    摘要:The term traffic state estimation refers to measuring or inferring values of the key traffic state variables, such as density, flow, speed, and delay, by using a combination of observed and derived traffic-related data. Due to recent advances in vehicular networking and sensor technology and by exploiting existing and emerging computer and communications paradigms, the task of estimating traffic state parameters in real-time has become technically feasible but remains a very challenging task.
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    摘要:Recently, a pseudo-LiDAR point cloud extrapolation algorithm equipped with stereo cameras has been introduced, bridging the gap between the expensive 3D sensor LiDAR and relatively cheap 2D sensor camera in autonomous driving. In this paper, we explore an approach to further bridge this gap using only a monocular camera and extrapolate a wide field of view 3D point cloud from a limited 2D view. However, this task is extremely challenging as it requires inferring the occluded contents in the scene. To this end, we propose a ‘render-refine-iterate-fuse’ framework that takes advantage of both image view synthesis and image inpainting techniques, guiding the neural network to learn the potential spatial distribution. In addition, we design a hybrid rendering scheme to ensure that the visible content moves in a geometrically correct manner and fills the pixels caused by occlusion. Benefitting from the proposed framework, our approach achieves significant improvements on the pseudo-LiDAR point cloud extrapolation task. The gap between LiDAR and cameras is further bridged, showing an economical and practical application in the environment perception module of autonomous driving. The experimental results evaluated on the KITTI dataset demonstrate that our approach achieves superior quantitative and qualitative performance.
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    摘要:The advancement of wireless connectivity in smart cities will enhance connections between their various key elements. Federated intelligent health monitoring systems inside autonomous vehicles will achieve smart cities’ goal of improving the quality of life. This paper proposes a novel cooperative health emergency response system within Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Environment, namely, C-HealthIER. C-HealthIER is a cooperative health intelligent emergency response system that aims to reduce the time of receiving the first emergency treatment for passengers with abnormal health conditions. C-HealthIER continuously monitors passengers’ health and conducts cooperative behavior in response to health emergencies by vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure information sharing to find the nearest treatment provider. A conducted simulation that integrates three different tools (Veins, SUMO, and OMNET++) to simulate the proposed system showed that C-HealthIER reduces the total time to receive the emergency treatment by at least 92.5 and the time to receive the first emergency treatment by at least 73.2 compared to the time taken by AutoPilot mode in self-driving cars. C-HealthIER also reduces the travel distance to the first emergency treatment place by 40.9 and thus reduces the travel time by 43.8 compared to receiving the treatment at the same hospital in the AutoPilot mode.
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    摘要:Maritime transportation takes a major responsibility in public travel between islands while producing a large quantity of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. All-electric ships (AESs) can be applied to mitigate GHG emissions through energy storage systems (ESS), renewable integration, and cold ironing. In this paper, we propose a flexible voyage scheduling strategy for AESs based on the temporal-spatial dynamics (TSD) to satisfy the transportation demand while mitigating the burden of the AESs on the power grids during charging. The interaction between the AESs and island-based microgrids is modeled. Furthermore, the AESs are utilized to enhance the resilience of the power grids. The AESs can be dispatched to realize the load restoration under contingencies. The proposed methodology is verified on a three-island system. It can be concluded that under normal operation, the proposed voyage scheduling can reduce the total energy consumption cost of the AESs and the islands. Besides, the voltage violation can be improved. Under the emergency, the proposed method can help the grids restore more critical and normal loads.
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    摘要:The driving and charging behavior of an increasing number of electric vehicles (EVs) have strengthened the connection between transportation network (TN) and cyber-physical power system (CPPS). Cyber-attacks imposed on the coupled system will cause a big disturbance to the power network (PN), which will further affect the travel behavior of EVs in the TN. To improve the ability of the coupled system to resist attacks, this paper presents the framework of coupled transportation and cyber-physical power system with a defense mechanism. From a defense perspective, considering comprehensive load shedding loss of load buses, an active defense model driven by static Bayesian game theory is built at the information network (IN) level of CPPS, which provides a defense strategy selection method against attacks at a certain moment. Moreover, a charging guidance model for EVs based on dynamic vehicles travel simulation is developed to describe the impact of charging station (CS) outage induced by the unsuccessful defense, and to mitigate disturbance on the TN. Simulation experiments with a modified Sioux Falls traffic network and IEEE 30-bus power grid coupled system verify the effectiveness of the proposed method and model.
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    摘要:As an important means of obtaining information of marine situation, the marine monitoring system relying on UAV has been paid more and more attention by all countries in the world, and the demand for tasks is growing continually. In UAV ad hoc networks, routing protocols with immutable routing policies that lack flexibility are generally incapable of maintaining effective performance due to the complicated and rapidly changing environmental situation and application requirements. In this paper, we propose an intelligent clustering routing approach (ICRA) for UANETs. The ICRA is composed of three components: the clustering module, the clustering strategy adjustment module and the routing module. In the clustering process, each node needs to calculate its utility. In order to maintain high topology stability and long network lifetime in different network states, the reinforcement learning based clustering strategy adjustment module needs continuous learning the benefits brought by adopting different strategies to calculate the nodes utility in a specific network state. With the learned knowledge, clustering strategy adjustment module could determine the optimal clustering strategy according to the current network state. In the routing phase, the proposed scheme can reduce the end-to-end delay and improve the packet delivery rate by introducing inter-cluster forwarding nodes to forward messages among different clusters. Extensive experiments have been conducted to verify ICRA’s robustness and superiority over existing schemes. The results demonstrate that ICRA could achieve better performance than its state-of-the-art counterparts with regard to the clustering efficiency, topology stability, energy efficiency and quality of service.
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    摘要:Internet-based e-hailing services have become a major component of urban transportation systems in recent years. The spatio-temporal mismatch between supply (available vehicles) and demand (passenger requests) deteriorates e-hailing platforms’ performance. Hence, repositioning available vehicles can be productive. In this paper, we propose a real-time repositioning method in ride-sourcing systems that considers both the responsiveness to immediate demand and the long-term (i.e., several hours) operational efficiency simultaneously. The proposed approach integrates the solutions of two procedures: i) a single-agent Markov Decision Process (MDP) model to evaluate the long-term influence of the repositioning on platform efficiency and ii) a binary linear program (BLP) to tackle the multi-driver repositioning problem in real-time taking into account the elapsed time of each not-responded order. Numerical experiments using real-world demand data with impatient passengers and contractors (i.e., drivers) demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms several repositioning benchmarks with regard to platform efficiency, e.g., reducing order cancellations, passengers’ experience, e.g., reducing waiting times, and drivers’ gains, e.g., increasing occupied rates.
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    摘要:Although the global shipping industry is experiencing a productivity revolution due to the adoption of IoTs (Internet of Things), the dependence on complex data transmission and interactive centers is also increasing, which makes the IoT-enabled Maritime Transportation Systems (MTS) one of the most valuable but vulnerable industries against network security attacks. To guarantee the transmission security of confidential data, an important alternative in an untrustworthy IoT-enabled MTS is to apply the covert timing channels. This paper mainly introduces the construction of covert timing channel with low bit shifting rate and high reliability by multi-stage verification and error correction. For the covert timing channel schemes realized by active packet loss, the packet loss noise interferes with the channel’s reliability. However, due to the constraints of stealthiness, the active packet loss ratio during covert communication is low, so more effective reliable strategies are needed to reduce noise interference. In the excellent scenario, when the bit error rate is lower than 0.08, the transmission performance is kept at 0.49 bps. In the good scenario with strong network noise, although this method loses some performance, it can still maintain the transmission performance of 0.2 bps under the condition of bit error rate less than 1, which effectively proves the effectiveness of multi-stage verification and error correction.
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    摘要:Analyzing the impact of the environment on drivers’ stress level and workload is of high importance for designing human-centered driver-vehicle interaction systems and to ultimately help build a safer driving experience. However, driver’s state, including stress level and workload, are latent variables that cannot be measured on their own and should be estimated through sensor measurements such as psychophysiological measures. We propose using a latent-variable state-space modeling framework for driver state analysis. By using latent-variable state-space models, we model drivers’ workload and stress levels as latent variables estimated through multimodal human sensing data, under the perturbations of the environment in a state-space format and in a holistic manner. Through using a case study of multimodal driving data collected from 11 participants, we first estimate the latent stress level and workload of drivers from their heart rate, gaze measures, and intensity of facial action units. We then show that external contextual elements such as the number of vehicles as a proxy for traffic density and secondary task demands may be associated with changes in driver’s stress levels and workload. We also show that different drivers may be impacted differently by the aforementioned perturbations. We found out that drivers’ latent states at previous timesteps are highly associated with their current states. Additionally, we discuss the utility of state-space models in analyzing the possible lag between the two latent variables of stress level and workload, which might be indicative of information transmission between the different parts of the driver’s psychophysiology in the wild.
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    摘要:Accurate prediction of the price of used vehicles can effectively reduce the undesirable behavior of intermediary platforms that mark up prices indiscriminately, make the link of vehicle sales more transparent and fair, reduce the losses of buyers and sellers, and have great economic significance. However, the previous used vehicle price prediction model suffers from redundant and noisy explicit features, resulting in its poor learning efficiency and prediction ability. Moreover, the previous models did not consider the interaction information among features, resulting in the model missing the acquisition of this information during the learning process, which determines its poor generalization effect during the prediction stage. Therefore, to overcome the shortcomings of previous models, we propose a novel used vehicle price prediction model with denoising autoencoder based on convolution operations (DAECO). Firstly, the DAECO model extracts the latent features of used vehicles using denoising autoencoder to remove the non-discriminatory redundant features. Then the DAECO model uses convolution operation to obtain the interaction information between the latent features. Finally, the DAECO model adds up the interaction information between the latent features and the linear combination information by assigning a certain weight to each of them to obtain the final prediction value. The values of the DAECO model on two real used vehicle transaction datasets with MSE, RMSE and MAE metrics are 1.523 and 2.278, 1.234 and 1.509, 1.009 and 1.226, respectively. Through the comprehensive experimental results on the real used vehicle price dataset, the DAECO model outperforms the current popular baseline algorithms.
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    摘要:Cooperative collision avoidance between inland waterway ships is among the envisioned services on the Internet of Ships. Such a service aims to support safe navigation while optimizing ships’ trajectories. However, to deploy it, timely and accurate prediction of ships’ positioning with real-time reactions is needed to anticipate collisions. In such a context, ships positions are usually predicted using advanced Machine Learning (ML) techniques. Traditionally, ML schemes require that the data be processed in a centralized way, e.g., a cloud data center managed by a third party. However, these schemes are not suitable for the collisions avoidance service due to the inaccessibility of ships’ positioning data by this third party, and allowing connected ships to get access to sensitive information. Therefore, in this paper, we design a new cooperative collision avoidance system for inland ships, while ensuring data security and privacy. Our system is based on deep federated learning to collaboratively build a model of ship positioning prediction, while avoiding sharing their private data. In addition, it is deployed at multi-access edge computing (MEC) level to provide low-latency communication to ensure fast responses during collision detection. Furthermore, it relies on Blockchain and smart contracts to ensure trust and valid communications between ships and MEC nodes. We evaluate the proposed system using a generated dataset representing ships mobility in France. The results, which demonstrate the accuracy of our prediction model, prove the effectiveness of our cooperative collision avoidance system in ensuring timely and reliable communications and avoiding collisions between ships.
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    摘要:The increasing number of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in the low-altitude airspace and the increasing complexity of the work environment present new challenges for ensuring airspace security, especially the effective conflict detection and resolution (CDR) of UAVs. In the era of the sixth generation (6G) technology, there is an improvement in communication speed and capacity in comparison with the traditional communication technologies, which contributes to forming a UAV Internet of Things (IoTs) through remote intelligent control platform and improve the effect of CDR. In this paper, we innovatively develop a cooperative CDR method in the UAV IoT environment considering UAV relative motion relationships and UAV priorities. Using this method in 6G environment, the real-time and reactive conflict-free paths for UAVs can be generated. The developed method has the advantage of smaller calculation and needs fewer UAVs to take maneuvers than the CDR methods based on traditional Artificial Potential Field (APF). To verify the effectiveness of CDR methods, a safety assessment method (evaluate from both conflict feature and network structure perspectives) is also proposed. A Monte Carlo Simulation with “clone mechanism” is designed to incorporate the effect of CDR systems. Three cases of distributed CDR protocols are simulated and compared. The simulations with different parameter settings are also discussed. Quantitative simulation experiments show that the safety effect of CDR proposed in this paper is improved a lot due to the improved APF and the UAV priority determination. Meanwhile, the safety assessment method is demonstrated to be feasible for evaluating the safety of CDR systems.
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    摘要:Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) utilises the growing trend of both communication technologies and intelligent analytics to make transportation systems more smart and efficient. Federated Learning, a privacy-preserving machine learning paradigm shows promise in being applied in this field. However, the data and device heterogeneity, and highly dynamic environment in ITS pose challenges to the performance of federated learning. One of the recent approaches to address the challenges are to choose proper participants from available clients during training. However, this research field is not fully investigated yet, and many works are still based on the classic random-based selection scheme. In this paper, we present Newt, an enhanced federated learning approach. On one hand, it includes a new client selection utility that explores the trade-off between accuracy performance in each round and system progress. On the other hand, it highlights a feedback control on the selector. Specifically, we implement a control on the selection frequency as a new dimension of client selection method design. We evaluate the proposed system with DNN training tasks on large scale FEMNIST-based datasets that are of different heterogeneity properties. The experiments show that our method outperforms the other baseline methods by as large as 20.
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    摘要:The essence of connection in vehicle network is the social relationship between people, and thus Vehicular Social Networks (VSNs), characterized by social aspects and features, can be formed. The information collected by VSNs can be used for context prediction of autonomous vehicles. Multivariate relations are common in square connected relations caused by geographic characteristics in VSNs. They can effectively reflect the high-order structural features of the network dataset. It is necessary to exploit the multivariate relations of VSNs to improve the performance of context prediction. However, The representation of entity-relationes in the network often adopts a binary form, and the existing graph learning methods rely on the neighborhood information of nodes to achieve the aggregation or diffusion of information. Using this to represent multivariate relations will result in partial omissions or even complete loss of valuable information, which ultimately affects the learning effect of learning methods. In order to better understand the social behavior of the VSNs, this paper uses the network motif to implement the representation of the multivariate relations in the network, and proposes the graPh learnIng with moTif mAtrix (PITA) method. This method can be used as a preprocessing step for the measurement strategy of the relations in VSNs and the graph learning, which can mine the information in VSNs and improve the accuracy of the original graph learning method by the multivariate relation information. We performed experiments on 6 network datasets. The experimental results show that in the node classification task, the baseline method modified by the PITA method has a higher classification accuracy than the original method.
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    摘要:Understanding driver-vehicle interactions remains a challenge, particularly in the case of cornering. This is particularly the case for powered two-wheeler vehicle (PTWs) users, perhaps because PTW drivers play a greater role in controlling the stability of their vehicles than do four-wheeled vehicle drivers. This difficulty stems from the variety of practices of this population of road users when entering, controlling their path, and exiting turns. Thus, observing the evolution of rider behavior during a cornering maneuver is an essential step in identifying road environment features that are risk factors for this category of road users. The real data set used for the experiments reported here was collected in the framework of the VIROLO++ collaborative project to improve the knowledge of the real practices of PTWs drivers, particularly during cornering. The in-depth analysis of these data in order to better understand motorcyclists’ behavior can therefore be considered a challenge. For this purpose, a two-step methodology was applied: (1) a data segmentation and feature extraction step in which the multidimensional time series of roll angle and roll velocity data were segmented using a multiple regression hidden logistic process (MRHLP), and (2) a clustering step in which the two detected segments characterizing the curve entry were assigned to different clusters regarding the curve initiation and the control actions set up during the different phases of the turning maneuver based on the hierarchical clustering algorithm. The results obtained show the effectiveness of the proposed methodology.
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    摘要:Cross-modal hashing is an effective cross-modal retrieval approach because of its low storage and high efficiency. However, most existing methods mainly utilize pre-trained networks to extract modality-specific features, while ignore the position information and lack information interaction between different modalities. To address those problems, in this paper, we propose a novel approach, named cross-modal generation and pair correlation alignment hashing (CMGCAH), which introduces transformer to exploit position information and utilizes cross-modal generative adversarial networks (GAN) to boost cross-modal information interaction. Concretely, a cross-modal interaction network based on conditional generative adversarial network and pair correlation alignment networks are proposed to generate cross-modal common representations. On the other hand, a transformer-based feature extraction network (TFEN) is designed to exploit position information, which can be propagated to text modality and enforce the common representation to be semantically consistent. Experiments are performed on widely used datasets with text-image modalities, and results show that the proposed method achieved competitive performance compared with many existing methods.
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    摘要:The large misalignment angle errors generated by coarse alignment and the uncertainty time-varying calibration errors generated by the inertial measurement unit reduce the alignment accuracy, increase the alignment time, and ultimately limit the application of backtracking Kalman filters into In-motion fine alignment scene. This paper proposes a robust backtracking cubature Kalman filter (CKF) approach based on Krein space theory to overcome these issues. Specifically, considering the effect of dynamic model uncertainties of the alignment process, a linear robust filter and the existence conditions of optimal estimation are constructed to restrain the uncertainty interference according to Krein space theory. Meanwhile, an adaptive window adjustment algorithm is designed to intelligently determine the backtracking interval in different backtracking filtering stages and cross-scene motion environments, which is founded on the innovation variance gradient detection. Furthermore, using the statistical linearization scheme, the quasi-linear CKF model is derived to assist in resolving the nonlinear large misalignment angle within the Krein linear space framework for In-motion alignment. Experimental verification results from a vehicle In-motion alignment test illustrate that the proposed Krein backtracking CKF approach is effective in improving the alignment accuracy and shortening the alignment time simultaneously.
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    摘要:Low Emission Zones (LEZ)s are areas where access restrictions to polluting vehicles are enforced. These infrastructures have become a main mechanism in large cities to deal with urban traffic and environmental pollution. A main problem of practical LEZs is that they generally depend on a camera network that identifies users and jeopardizes their privacy. In the literature, there are some privacy-preserving works that rely on camera-free approaches; however, they still suffer from a major issue: they depend on centralized entities to manage the vehicles’ accesses/departures and their corresponding fee payment. Those centralized entities represent a critical single point of failure in the system, endangering its security and availability. In order to address this situation, this paper proposes a new scheme that decentralizes the LEZ management, dealing with vehicle accesses as blockchain transactions, and pricing and charging them using smart contracts. In order to validate the deployability of the new scheme in real scenarios, it has been implemented and tested in both a controlled environment and a low-traffic street. The evaluation of the smart contracts’ costs in terms of gas has been included in the performed tests. The results obtained are satisfactory and show the feasibility of the new proposal.
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    摘要:Spatiotemporal analysis of road scenes is a hot research topic in the communities of computer vision and intelligent transportation systems. In this paper, we propose a new framework for spatiotemporal analysis of static and dynamic traffic elements from road scenes. In the first stage, a bottom-up analysis method for static traffic elements is proposed based on a hierarchical spatiotemporal model using hidden conditional random fields (HCRF). The bottom-level features are extracted from sub-regions in the hierarchical model, and the local and global features of the image sequence are then fully combined for spatial and temporal layers. In the second stage, a lightweight multi-stream 3DCNN network is developed for the behavior classification of dynamic traffic elements, which is composed of three parts. Firstly, a SELayer-3DCNN is designed to extract the appearance, motion and edge information from the image sequences. Secondly, the channel attention fusion strategy (CAF) is introduced to enhance the feature fusion ability. Finally, the 3D-RFB module is incorporated to expand the receptive field of the convolution kernel. The experimental results well demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework.
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    摘要:Intelligent Vehicle Systems (IVSs) devote to integrating the data sensing, processing, and transmission in the Vehicle to Everything (V2X) scenarios, where the Unnamed Aircraft Vehicle (UAV)-aided traffic monitoring network is one of the most significant applications. Moreover, since the central premise to support the IVS is timely and effectively sensing data processing, Age of Information (AoI) can precisely reflect the timeliness and effectiveness of the communication process in the UAV-aided traffic monitoring network. However, recent researches pay little attention to AoI minimization issue, especially when the malicious attacker attempts to deteriorate the network performance. The accurately modelling of the adversarial relationship between legitimate UAVs and attacker is not fully investigated. To make up this research gap, we start from the Stackelberg game viewpoint to investigate the AoI optimization problem in the UAV-aided traffic monitoring network under attack. Firstly, the system model and three-layer Stackelberg game-based optimization goal are established. Secondly, based on the Backward Induction (BI) analysis, the follower’s data sensing rate, transmission power, and the leader’s attacking power are determined by the Lagrange duality optimization technology successively. Moreover, the sub-gradient update-based optimization technology is used to achieve the Stackelberg Equilibrium (SE). Finally, simulations are performed under various parameters. The evaluation results present better performance of our proposed approach when compared with the typical baselines.
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    摘要:This paper proposes a distributed control scheme for a platoon of heterogeneous vehicles based on the mechanism of model predictive control (MPC). The platoon composes of a group of vehicles interacting with each other via inter-vehicular spacing constraints, to avoid collision and reduce communication latency, and aims to make multiple vehicles driving on the same lane safely with a close range and the same velocity. Each vehicle is subject to both state constraints and input constraints, communicates only with neighboring vehicles, and may not know a priori desired setpoint. We divide the computation of control inputs into several local optimization problems based on each vehicle’s local information. To compute the control input of each vehicle based on local information, a distributed computing method must be adopted and thus the coupled constraint is required to be decoupled. This is achieved by introducing the reference state trajectories from neighboring vehicles for each vehicle and by employing the interactive structure of computing local problems of vehicles with odd indices and even indices. It is shown that the feasibility of MPC optimization problems is achieved at all time steps based on tailored terminal inequality constraints, and the asymptotic stability of each vehicle to the desired trajectory is guaranteed even under a single iteration between vehicles at each time. Finally, a comparison simulation is conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed distributed MPC method for heterogeneous vehicle control with respect to normal and extreme scenarios.
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    摘要:Lane change for automated vehicles (AVs) is an important but challenging task in complex dynamic traffic environments. Due to difficulties in guaranteeing safety as well as a high efficiency, AVs are inclined to choose relatively conservative strategies for lane change. To avoid the conservatism, this paper presents a cooperation-aware lane change method utilizing interactions between vehicles. We first propose an interactive trajectory prediction method to explore possible cooperations between an AV and the others. Further, an evaluation on safety, efficiency and comfort is designed to make a decision on lane change. Thereafter, we propose a motion planning algorithm based on model predictive control (MPC), which incorporates AV’s decision and surrounding vehicles’ interactive behaviors into constraints so as to avoid collisions during lane change. Quantitative testing results show that compared with the methods without an interactive prediction, our method enhances driving efficiencies of the AV and other vehicles by 14.8 and 2.6, respectively, which indicates that a proper utilization of vehicle interactions can effectively reduce the conservatism of the AV and promote the cooperation between the AV and others.
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    摘要:Safely and efficiently completing unprotected left turns at intersections is challenging for both automated vehicles and human drivers, given that it is hard to predict the intentions of other road users. Currently, automated vehicles are inclined to adopt an overly conservative policy for safety reasons. And experienced drivers respond to right-of-way competition by employing “negotiation” skills to improve efficiency, mainly through steering, braking and acceleration. However, negotiations do not always go smoothly, and a phenomenon similar to “pedestrian face-off” is called “vehicle face-off”, specifically speaking, this host vehicle and vehicles involved in the competition perform the same maneuvers (acceleration or deceleration) continuously and simultaneously, leading to reduced efficiency and safety. In this paper, a new deep reinforcement learning (DRL) method is proposed based on deep convolutional fuzzy systems (DCFS) for automated vehicles to deal with unprotected left-turn scenarios on urban roads. A total of 30 subjects participated in the experiment, and the results show that the proposed method can provide human-like driving skills for automated vehicles, and effectively avoid “vehicle face-off” to improve the efficiency of unprotected left turns on the premise of ensuring safety.
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    摘要:Fully-supervised vehicle re-identification (re-ID) methods are faced with performance degradation when applied to new image domains. Therefore, developing unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) to transfer the knowledge from learned source domain to new unlabeled target domain becomes an indispensable task. It is challenging because different domains have various image appearances, such as different backgrounds, illuminations and resolutions, especially when cameras have different viewpoints. To tackle this domain gap issue, a novel Transformer-based Domain-Specific Representation learning network (TDSR) is proposed to dynamically focus on corresponding detailed hints for each domain. Specifically, with the source and target domain being trained simultaneously, a domain encoding module is proposed to introduce domain information into the network. The original features of source and target domains are enriched with these domain encodings first, and then sequentially processed by a Transformer encoder to model contextual information and a decoder to summarize the encoded features into the final domain-specific feature representations. Moreover, we propose a Contrastive Clustering Loss (CCL) to directly optimize the distribution of features at cluster level. Instances are overall pulled closer to the prototype of the same identity, and pushed farther from the prototypes of different identities. It helps compact the clusters in the latent space and improve the discriminative capability of the network, leading to more accurate pseudo-label assignment in TDSR. Our method outperforms the state-of-the-art UDA methods on vehicle re-ID benchmark datasets VeRi and VehicleID on both real-world to real-world and synthetic to real-world settings.
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    摘要:Currently, the complex traffic environment challenges the fast and accurate response of a connected autonomous vehicle (CAV). More importantly, it is difficult for different CAVs to collaborate and share knowledge. To remedy that, this paper proposes a selective federated reinforcement learning (SFRL) strategy to achieve online knowledge aggregation strategy to improve the accuracy and environmental adaptability of the autonomous driving model. First, we propose a federated reinforcement learning framework that allows participants to use the knowledge of other CAVs to make corresponding actions, thereby realizing online knowledge transfer and aggregation. Second, we use reinforcement learning to train local driving models of CAVs to cope with collision avoidance tasks. Third, considering the efficiency of federated learning (FL) and the additional communication overhead it brings, we propose a CAVs selection strategy before uploading local models. When selecting CAVs, we consider the reputation of CAVs, the quality of local models, and time overhead, so as to select as many high-quality users as possible while considering resources and time constraints. With above strategic processes, our framework can aggregate and reuse the knowledge learned by CAVs traveling in different environments to assist in driving decisions. Extensive simulation results validate that our proposal can improve model accuracy and learning efficiency while reducing communication overhead.
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    摘要:Potential fields have been integrated with local path-planning algorithms for autonomous vehicles (AVs) to tackle challenging scenarios with dense and dynamic obstacles. Most existing potential fields are isotropic without considering the traffic agent’s geometric shape and could cause failures due to local minima. We propose a three-dimensional potential field (TriPField) model to overcome this drawback by integrating an ellipsoid potential field with a Gaussian velocity field (GVF). Specifically, we model the surrounding vehicles as ellipsoids in corresponding ellipsoidal coordinates, where the formulated Laplace equation is solved with boundary conditions. Meanwhile, we develop a nonparametric GVF to capture the multi-vehicle interactions and then plan the AV’s velocity profiles, reducing the path search space and improving computing efficiency. Finally, a local path-planning framework with our TriPField is developed by integrating model predictive control to consider the constraints of vehicle kinematics. Our proposed approach is verified in three typical scenarios, i.e., active lane change, on-ramp merging, and car following. Experimental results show that our TriPField-based planner obtains a shorter, smoother local path with a slight jerk during control, especially in the scenarios with dense traffic flow, compared with traditional potential field-based planners. Our proposed TriPField-based planner can perform emergent obstacle avoidance for AVs with a high success rate even when the surrounding vehicles behave abnormally.
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    摘要:Accurate short-term traffic prediction plays a pivotal role in various smart mobility operation and management systems. Currently, most of the state-of-the-art prediction models are based on graph neural networks (Gnns), and the required training samples are proportional to the size of the traffic network. In many cities, the available amount of traffic data is substantially below the minimum requirement due to the data collection expense. It is still an open question to develop traffic prediction models with a small size of training data on large-scale networks. We notice that the traffic states of a node for the near future only depend on the traffic states of its localized neighborhoods, which can be represented using the graph relational inductive biases. In view of this, this paper develops a graph network (Gn)-based deep learning model LocaleGn that depicts the traffic dynamics using localized data aggregating and updating functions, as well as the node-wise recurrent neural networks. LocaleGn is a light-weighted model designed for training on few samples without over-fitting, and hence it can solve the problem of few-sample traffic prediction. The proposed model is examined on predicting both traffic speed and flow with six datasets, and the experimental results demonstrate that LocaleGn outperforms existing state-of-the-art baseline models. It is also demonstrated that the learned knowledge from LocaleGn can be transferred across cities. The research outcomes can help to develop light-weighted traffic prediction systems, especially for cities lacking historically archived traffic data.
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    摘要:The development and applications of mobile communication technologies in intelligent autonomous transportation systems have led to an extraordinary rise in the mount of connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs). Ensuring the security of in-vehicle communication data is the basis for the safety of cooperative transportation systems. An in-vehicle controller area network (CAN) bus is an important issue in in-vehicle security, and some hackers have mastered remote vehicle control methods through the CAN bus network. This paper proposes an improved isolation forest method with data mass (MS-iForest) for data tampering attack detection, in which we use data mass instead of the number of divisions and give an anomaly score ranking to quantify the degree of anomalies. This method is promising to be used as part of the intrusion detection system, like a security component in the onboard gateway, which can effectively avoid the data tampering attacks. We compare the proposed method with other anomaly detection schemes based on the data collected from an in-vehicle simulated dataset and two standard datasets. The experiment results show that the proposed method performs better than the other anomaly detection schemes in terms of the area under the receiver operating curve (AUC).
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    摘要:Recent advances in monocular 3D detection leverage a depth estimation network explicitly as an intermediate stage of the 3D detection network. Depth map approaches yield more accurate depth to objects than other methods thanks to the depth estimation network trained on a large-scale dataset. However, depth map approaches can be limited by the accuracy of the depth map, and sequentially using two separated networks for depth estimation and 3D detection significantly increases computation cost and inference time. In this work, we propose a method to boost the RGB image-based 3D detector by jointly training the detection network with a depth prediction loss analogous to the depth estimation task. In this way, our 3D detection network can be supervised by more depth supervision from raw LiDAR points, which does not require any human annotation cost, to estimate accurate depth without explicitly predicting the depth map. Our novel object-centric depth prediction loss focuses on depth around foreground objects, which is important for 3D object detection, to leverage pixel-wise depth supervision in an object-centric manner. Our depth regression model is further trained to predict the uncertainty of depth to represent the 3D confidence of objects. To effectively train the 3D detector with raw LiDAR points and to enable end-to-end training, we revisit the regression target of 3D objects and design a network architecture. Extensive experiments on KITTI and nuScenes benchmarks show that our method can significantly boost the monocular image-based 3D detector to outperform depth map approaches while maintaining the real-time inference speed.
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    摘要:Internet-of-Vehicle (IoV) enabled Maritime Transportation Systems (MTS) communication is anticipated to support ultra-reliable and low latency, diverse quality-of-service (QoS) and large-scale connectivities. To meet such stringent demands, a cognitive ambient backscatter non-orthogonal multiple access (C-AmBC-NOMA) IoV-MTS network is proposed. We explore the reliable and secure performance of the proposed C-AmBC-NOMA IoV-MTS network with in-phase and quadrature phase imbalance (IQI) at radio-frequency (RF) front-ends and the existence of an eavesdropper. In particular, the analytical expressions on the outage probability (OP) and intercept probability (IP) are obtained after a series of calculations. For a deeper understanding, we discuss the asymptotic behavior of OPs in the high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) region, the diversity orders of OPs, and IPs in the high main-to-eavesdropper ratio (MER) regime. The results of Monte-Carlo simulation and a series of corresponding theoretical analysis show that: i) As the SNR approaches infinity, the OPs tend to be fixed non-negative values, indicating that the diversity orders of the OPs have error floors; ii) When the MER approaches infinity, the IPs of legitimate users decrease continuously, while the IP of backscatter device (BD) increases; iii) Compared with the system performance under ideal condition, the system performance is less reliable under IQI condition, but the security performance is enhanced; iv) By carefully selecting the system parameters, a trade-off can be achieved between reliability and security.
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    摘要:Recent advances on road damage detection relies on a large amount of labeled data, whilst collecting pavement image is labor-intensive and time-consuming. Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA) provides a promising solution to adapt a source domain to the target domain, however, cross-domain crack detection is still an open problem. In this paper, we propose domain adaptive road damage detection termed as DA-RDD, by incorporating image-level with instance-level feature alignment for domain-invariant representation learning in an adversarial manner. Specifically, importance weighting is introduced to evaluate the intermediate samples for image-level alignment between domains, and we aggregate RoI-wise feature with multi-scale contextual information to recover the crack details for progressive domain alignment at instance level. Additionally, a large-scale road damage dataset (based on Road Damage Dataset 2020 (RDD2020)) named as RDD2021 is constructed with $100k$ synthetic labeled distress images. Extensive experimental results on damage detection across different countries demonstrate the universality and superiority of DA-RDD, and empirical studies on RDD2021 further claim its effectiveness and advancement. To our best knowledge, it is the first time to investigate domain adaptative pavement crack detection, and we expect the contributions in this work would facilitate the development of generalized road damage detection in the future.
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    摘要:Various sensors are adopted by autonomous driving systems to perceive objects and surroundings. Thus, the multi-sensor data fusion techniques become essential to combine different sensors’ advantages for better perception performance. However, the current multi-sensor data fusion techniques suffer from the high cost of computation resources, low expansibility for more diverse sensors, and insufficient systematic consideration for modeling. This paper first constructs a detachable and expansible multi-sensor data fusion model based on three main modules: front fusion, global fusion, and synthesizer, where the methods for flexible association gating and virtual targets have been designed. The model can be disassembled and configured for different trim levels of vehicles and is easily expansible for adding more heterogeneous sensors. Next, the presented multi-sensor data fusion model is compared with the cheap Joint Probabilistic Data Association (C-JPDA) method. The comparison shows the superior accuracy of the designed model on false association and effective narrowing of the variance of object detection. Finally, the presented multi-sensor data fusion model is integrated into an embedded system and experimented on urban roads and highways with the engaged Level 3 autonomous driving function. The experiment results indicate that the proposed model has excellent sensor data fusion performance and provides accurate and timely object information in the Level 3 autonomous driving system.
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    摘要:Driving behavior risk classification is a crucial issue in transportation systems because the prediction of vehicle hazard levels in advance can effectively reduce the occurrence of unnecessary traffic accidents. This paper proposes a novel Deep Multichannel Network Model (DMNM) for driving behavior risk classification. Based on real historical driving data, we present a driving behavior portrait framework with multidimensional factors and a dimensionless loss polymerization method. In this approach, first, we divide the related factors into three dimensions by their work methods, which are the inputs of the network. Second, the data of three original dimensions are extracted through fully connected layers to obtain embedding dimensions. Third, a new dimension indefensible factor is obtained by filter operation to eliminate the correlation between external factors and internal factors, which denotes the degree that the internal abnormal operational behavior can be explained by the external environment. Last, we regard the driving information as four channels of driving behaviors and extract the channel information through convolutional neural networks (CNNs). The numerical calculation and comparison results with real traffic data demonstrates the superior performance of our framework, and the accuracy of the proposed method in vehicle hazard classification is 95.
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    摘要:6G network enables the rapid connection of autonomous vehicles, the generated internet of vehicles establishes a large-scale point cloud, which requires automatic point cloud analysis to build an intelligent transportation system in terms of the 3D object detection and segmentation. Recently, a great variety of deep convolution networks have been proposed for 3D data analysis, making significant progress in the application of deep learning in 3D computer vision. Inspired by the application of transformer network in 2D computer visual tasks, and in order to increase the expression ability of local fine-grained features, we propose an effective local feature transformer network to learn local feature information and correlations between point clouds. Our network is adaptive to the arrangement of set elements through transformer module, so it is suitable for the feature extraction of local point clouds. In addition, experimental results demonstrate that our LFT-network outperforms the state-of-the-art in 3D model classification tasks on ModelNet40 dataset and segmentation tasks on S3DIS dataset.
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    摘要:This paper aims to investigate the electric vehicle (EV) charging network design and utilization management considering user-centric decisions. A hierarchical formulation is developed with the EV charging network design and demand-driven pricing scheme in the upper level and users’ charging decisions to minimize their own travel costs and charging expenses in the lower level. The model aims to minimize the facility deployment cost and maximize the charging income of the network operator while minimizing the user-centric costs. We have converted the proposed bi-level formulation into an equivalent single-level model using the lower-level objective function as complementary equations. Then, we have developed an iterative active-set based solution technique to determine the strategic decisions on charging network design. To partially overcome the computational burden, the arc travel times are estimated using a macroscopic fundamental diagram concept. The proposed integrated methodology is applied to a hypothetical and an empirical case study to evaluate its performance and solution quality. The numerical results indicate that the proposed algorithm can solve the problem efficiently and outperform a system-level bi-level optimization benchmark. Our experiments show a CPU time of $2.3~hr$ for the proposed approach compared to $173.1~hr$ of the benchmark. Finally, a series of sensitivity analyses has been conducted to study the impact of input parameters on the solutions and draw managerial insights.
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    摘要:The Internet of vehicles (IoV) has a substantial impact on traffic efficiency improvement and accidents avoidance. Due to restricted resources, vehicles must share observed data with RSUs and other vehicles to execute some time-tolerant computing tasks. However, data provided by vehicles cannot always be trusted due to the presence of attackers. Fake messages could have catastrophic ramifications, such as vehicle collisions. Furthermore, extensive data sharing might cause channel congestion, resulting in the loss of vital messages during delivery. To overcome the aforementioned issues, we propose TRUCON, a blockchain-based trusted data sharing mechanism with congestion control in IoV. Firstly, we propose a Kademlia algorithm-based traffic data forwarding method to control channel congestion state. By adjusting the bucket size and distance threshold, source vehicles can limit the number of reference vehicles forwarded. Secondly, we present a cuckoo filter-based traffic data deduplication and discrimination approach. To avoid repetitive sharing, vehicles and RSUs can check their local filters to verify if the current data report has been shared. Based on the foregoing, we propose a blockchain-based trust management mechanism with congestion control. RSUs serve as full nodes while vehicles are light nodes in the blockchain. Finally, we develop a trust management prototype system with congestion control that incorporates both on-chain and off-chain parts. It signifies that our scheme is both feasible and effective.
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    摘要:Self-supervised depth estimation has drawn much attention in recent years as it does not require labeled data but image sequences. Moreover, it can be conveniently used in various applications, such as autonomous driving, robotics, realistic navigation, and smart cities. However, extracting global contextual information from images and predicting a geometrically natural depth map remain challenging. In this paper, we present DLNet for pixel-wise depth estimation, which simultaneously extracts global and local features with the aid of our depth Linformer block. This block consists of the Linformer and innovative soft split multi-layer perceptron blocks. Moreover, a three-dimensional geometry smoothness loss is proposed to predict a geometrically natural depth map by imposing the second-order smoothness constraint on the predicted three-dimensional point clouds, thereby realizing improved performance as a byproduct. Finally, we explore the multi-scale prediction strategy and propose the maximum margin dual-scale prediction strategy for further performance improvement. In experiments on the KITTI and Make3D benchmarks, the proposed DLNet achieves performance competitive to those of the state-of-the-art methods, reducing time and space complexities by more than 62 and 56 at a resolution of $416 times 128$ , respectively. Extensive testing on various real-world situations further demonstrates the strong practicality and generalization capability of the proposed model.
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    • 作者:
    • 刊名:IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems
    • 2023年第3期
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    摘要:With the development of Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled Maritime Transportation Systems (MTS), massive data generated in the system not only requires to be stored reliably and cheaply, but also needs to be analyzed timely. The Cloud-based Maritime Transportation Systems (CMTS) allow users to upload the data without worrying about the price, capacity, location and so on. However, CMTS also brings some security issues, where the integrity protection of outsourced data is one of the most important issues since it is crucial for the safety, reliability and efficiency of sea lanes. To solve this problem, we propose an identity-based dynamic data integrity auditing scheme for CMTS. Our scheme decreases the burden of key management and improves the auditing efficiency by batch auditing. Besides, our scheme also supports dynamic operations on the outsourced data for CMTS. The security analysis shows that our scheme can ensure the feature of storage correctness and resist common attacks. In addition, the performance comparison results with other related schemes show that our scheme not only has the lowest computational cost on all entities, but also greatly reduces the communication overhead of the auditing phase. Therefore, our scheme is very suitable for data integrity verification in CMTS.
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    摘要:The petrol station replenishment problem (PSRP) refers to the process of transporting petroleum products from oil depots to petrol stations via tank trucks. It mainly consists of two parts: allocating petroleum products to tank trucks and planning the travel route of each truck. In this study, we examine a new variant of PSRP by considering a multi-depot vehicle routing problem with open inter-depot routes (MDVRPOI). Each depot can act as an intermediate replenishment facility, and each truck can be reloaded at any depot any number of times within the working period. Moreover, trucks can end their routes at any depot instead of making a long empty drive to the start depot. The trucks are heterogeneous with multiple load-specific compartments. We formulate the problem as a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) model. Given the problem’s complexity, a tabu-based adaptive large neighborhood search (T-ALNS) algorithm is proposed, which integrates the tabu search approach into ALNS to solve the problem effectively. The T-ALNS executes multiple problem-tailored destroy/repair operators on the station, trip, and route levels. A local search procedure with problem-specific operators and an adaptive strategy is further embedded into T-ALNS. We use the real data of an oil company in China to evaluate our algorithm. Computational results show that our T-ALNS significantly outperforms the CPLEX solver and other algorithms in terms of solution quality and computation time. Further, it realizes an average reduction in transportation cost of about 45 compared to the company’s actual strategy.


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