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    Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Transactions on

  • 中文名称: 智能交通系统,IEEE事务
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  • ISSN: 1524-9050
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    摘要:Extensive studies on data analysis have been conducted to address pavement engineering problems including material and structure design, performance evaluation, maintenance, and preservation. This paper summarized and discussed more than 40 types of data analysis methods including statistical tests, experimental design, regressions, count data model, survival analysis, stochastic process models, supervised learnings, unsupervised learnings, reinforcement learnings, and Bayesian analysis applied in pavement engineering. Generally, traditional statistical regression models are proper for significant factors quantification and pavement performance predictions with explicit model equations and meanings of parameters. The supervised machine learnings are powerful in prediction, dealing with large data volume or unstructured data such as pavement distress images, sounds, and other unprocessed signals. The unsupervised machine learnings are usually used to pre-process data by reducing the dimensionality, extracting common factors of variables, and clustering the data samples. Selecting proper models and their combinations will be the key for the increasing accumulation of historical pavement performance data, as well as the big data from automatic pavement evaluations and pavement instrumentation in future practices and studies.
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    摘要:Lightweight models are pivotal in efficient semantic segmentation, but they often suffer from insufficient context information due to limited convolution and small receptive field. To address this problem, we propose a tailored approach to efficient semantic segmentation by leveraging two complementary distillation schemes for supplementing context information to small networks: 1) a self-attention distillation scheme, which transfers long-range context knowledge adaptively from large teacher networks to small student networks; and 2) a layer-wise context distillation scheme, which transfers structured context from deep layers to shallow layers within student networks for promoting semantic consistency of the shallow layers. Extensive experiments on the ADE20K, Cityscapes, and Camvid datasets well demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposal.
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    摘要:The advancement in machine learning and artificial intelligence promotes the testing and deployment of autonomous vehicles (AVs) on public roads. The California Department of Motor Vehicles (CA DMV) has launched the Autonomous Vehicle Tester Program, which collects and releases reports related to Autonomous Vehicle Disengagement (AVD) from autonomous driving. Understanding the causes of AVD is critical to improving the AV system’s safety and stability and providing guidance for AV testing and deployment. In this work, we built a scalable end-to-end pipeline to collect, process, model, and analyze the disengagement reports released from 2014 to 2020 using natural language processing and deep transfer learning. The analysis of disengagement data using taxonomy, visualization, and statistical tests revealed the trends of AV testing, cause frequency, and significant relationships between causes and effects of AVD. We found that (1) manufacturers tested AVs intensively during the Spring and/or Winter, (2) test drivers initiated more than 80 of the disengagement while more than 75 of the disengagement were because of errors in perception, localization mapping, planning and control of the AV system, and (3) there was a significant relationship between the initiator of AVD and the cause category. This study serves as a successful practice of deep transfer learning using pre-trained models and generates a consolidated disengagement database allowing further investigation for other researchers. The related code and data are available on github. 1
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    摘要:Urban public transport is a very complex system, and with the development of urbanization, there are many new urban traffic characteristics. Making bus routes and scheduling strategies more efficient, scientific and accurate has a positive impact on the actual operation of public transport. To solve the urban public transport line design problem, this paper describes the implicit law of the characteristics of public transport travel from a deep perspective and analyzes the forms, influencing factors and existing problems of bus dispatching. By establishing a multiobjective public transport dispatching optimization model, starting from bus companies, passengers and government departments, public transportation operating costs comprehensively consider the interests of various parties and finally realize the optimization objective of minimizing fixed costs, fuel costs, carbon emission costs and time window penalty costs. The objective function is set reasonably, and the generation and optimization method of the initial line set in the public transport line design problem is improved; suitable constraint conditions and evaluation indicators are considered. This paper attempts to control the overall length of the bus line on the premise of fully meeting the travel needs of passengers. By solving the multiobjective problem on the same network and comparing different multiobjective optimization algorithms, the effectiveness of the method is evaluated. Additionally, an improved multiobjective adaptive particle swarm optimization (MOAPSO) is proposed, which has the characteristics of faster convergence, higher efficiency and low computational complexity. The simulation experimental results show that the proposed algorithm in this paper can obtain a better Pareto optimal solution set and can effectively solve the multiobjective model. The departure interval conforms to the passenger flow distribution, which can effectively reduce costs and improve the travel service quality of passengers on a large-scale network.
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    摘要:Lane detection differs from general object detection in that lane lines are usually long and narrow in the road image, and more attention to image features at different scales is required to reason about lane lines under occlusion, degradation, and bad weather. However, most existing semantic segmentation-based lane detection methods focus on solving the convolutional receptive field through aggregating information vertically and horizontally in the same feature map, which may ignore important information contained in multi-scale features. Besides, the high-level semantic information of whether the lane exists is not fully utilized, as they often add a module at the final stage of the network output to determine whether the lane exists, which is a dispensable for their network. Based on the above analysis, we design a novel lane detection network based on semantic segmentation which consists of a Multi-scale Feature Information Aggregator (MFIA) module and a Channel Attention (CA) module. Many experiments on the TRLane dataset, the generated Lane dataset, BDD100K dataset, TuSimple dataset, VIL-100 dataset and CULane dataset show that our approach can achieve the state-of-the-art performance (our code will be available at https://github.com/Cuibaby/MFIALane ). In addition, considering that different perceptual tasks in autonomous driving are able to share the feature extraction network, we also conduct the experiment for drivable area segmentation on BDD100K dataset. Our approach also achieves good results compared to many existing methods, showing that our proposed model is capable of simultaneously handling multiple perceptual tasks in autonomous driving scenarios.
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    摘要:Fast and accurate long-term trajectory prediction of surrounding vehicles (SVs) is critical to autonomous driving systems. In high-density traffic flows, strongly correlated vehicle behaviors require considering the interactions among multiple SVs when predicting their future trajectories. However, existing interactive prediction methods, most based on Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), are suffering from slow prediction because they analyze SVs one by one and analyze trajectory sequence node by node. This paper presents a fast interactive trajectory prediction method called Structural Transformer which learns both spatial and temporal dependencies among multiple SVs in parallel. Specifically, our model first removes the internal states and loops of LSTM and replaces with a weighted self-reference mapping to realize parallel computation. Then, it embeds the relative spatial information of multiple SVs into trajectory states and reorganizes the self-reference mapping with neighbor-only interaction masks to achieve interactive prediction. Results on the NGSIM dataset show satisfyingly speed and accuracy performance on long-term trajectory prediction of multiple SVs. The longitudinal and lateral errors are reduced to 2.67m and 0.25m over 5s time horizon. The computational time of each step is only 12ms on a 2080ti GPU, which is over 4 times faster than the Structural LSTM.
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    摘要:This paper investigates a prescribed tracking performance vehicular platoon control problem with actuator saturation, dynamics uncertainties, and unknown disturbances. First, a novel Gaussian error function (GEF)-based saturation function is introduced to approximate nonsmooth actuator saturation of each vehicle in a smooth way. Then, a fixed-time performance function (FPF) is proposed. Subsequently, an adaptive fixed-time sliding mode control scheme is developed based on the GEF and the FPF, which guarantees all signals of the closed-loop system are bounded and the tracking error converges to a predetermined region in fixed time. Meanwhile, string stability and traffic stability are also guaranteed. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is verified through numerical simulations.
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    摘要:Image dehazing is a common operation in autonomous driving, traffic monitoring and surveillance. Learning-based image dehazing has achieved excellent performance recently. However, it is nearly impossible to capture pairs of hazy/clean images from the real world to train an image dehazing network. Most of existing dehazing models that are learnt from synthetically generated hazy images generalize poorly on real-world hazy scenarios due to the obvious domain shift. To deal with this unpaired problem arisen by real-world hazy images, we present Cycle Spectral Normalized Soft likelihood estimation Patch Generative Adversarial Network (Cycle-SNSPGAN) for image dehazing. Cycle-SNSPGAN is an unsupervised dehazing framework to boost the generalization ability on real-world hazy images. To leverage unpaired samples of real-world hazy images without relying on their clean counterparts, we design an SN-Soft-Patch GAN and exploit a new cyclic self-perceptual loss which avoids using the ground-truth image to compute the perceptual similarity. Moreover, a significant color loss is adopted to brighten the dehazed images as human expects. Both visual and numerical results show clear improvements of the proposed Cycle-SNSPGAN over state-of-the-arts in terms of hazy-robustness and image detail recovery, with even only a small dataset training our Cycle-SNSPGAN. Code has been available at https://github.com/yz-wang/Cycle-SNSPGAN .
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    摘要:As an important national initiative, China’s public transport priority development strategy is conducive to the development of the public transport industry and urban economic construction. However, current public transport operation is inefficient due to the information asymmetry between the government and public transport enterprises, thereby inevitably generating losses. To address the issue of information asymmetry, this study designs a public transport subsidy allocation method from the perspective of incentives and discusses the allocation results using this method through a case study. The rationality of the proposed method and the scientificity and authenticity of the conclusions, are fully explained and demonstrated via the experimental simulation. Based on real published data of public transport enterprises, the proposed method can motivate public transport enterprises to improve their performance. In the case of reporting false data, the proposed method can motivate public transport enterprises to report accurate data.
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    摘要:The automated monitoring of road pavement conditions is a challenging subject in intelligent transportation. However, the existing studies mostly focus on extracting pavement damages such as cracks, while the pavement aging conditions are still less investigated. In this paper, a novel method based on a modified recurrent neural network is designed for automated monitoring of asphalt pavement aging phenomena from fine-resolution satellite imagery. A spectral augmentation method is proposed to enhance the spectral details of the road pavements. A novel loss function is also proposed to improve the bi-directional gated recurrent unit (Bi-GRU) network in order to better classify different degrees of road pavement aging and non-pavement objects. In order to demonstrate the outperformance of the modified network Bi-GRU+, the Worldview-2 satellite image (16360*7728) covering 16 asphalt roads in the southwestern suburb of Beijing City is used. The results show that the proposed approach has better performance than existing machine learning methods, with an overall accuracy of 98.16 and a Kappa coefficient of 0.97. The overall processing time of the proposed method is 7836 seconds in our case study. The proposed method is efficient for large-scale monitoring of road health conditions from fine-resolution satellite imagery. It can become a part of intelligent transportation and provide a new foundation for large-range automated monitoring of road pavement aging conditions.
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    摘要:Automated vehicles require a comprehensive understanding of traffic situations to ensure safe and anticipatory driving. In this context, the prediction of pedestrians is particularly challenging as pedestrian behavior can be influenced by multiple factors. In this paper, we thoroughly analyze the requirements on pedestrian behavior prediction for automated driving via a system-level approach. To this end we investigate real-world pedestrian-vehicle interactions with human drivers. Based on human driving behavior we then derive appropriate reaction patterns of an automated vehicle and determine requirements for the prediction of pedestrians. This includes a novel metric tailored to measure prediction performance from a system-level perspective. The proposed metric is evaluated on a large-scale dataset comprising thousands of real-world pedestrian-vehicle interactions. We furthermore conduct an ablation study to evaluate the importance of different contextual cues and compare these results to ones obtained using established performance metrics for pedestrian prediction. Our results highlight the importance of a system-level approach to pedestrian behavior prediction.
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    摘要:This study deals with the problem of road side unit (RSU) location optimization for origin-destination (OD) demand estimation. With the point-to-point measurement provided by RSUs in connected vehicle environment, the errors of OD demand estimation come from two sources: 1) the lack of enough path flow information; and 2) the vehicle-to-RSU (V2R) communication delay. However, increasing the amount of path flow information collected by RSUs results in the increase of V2R communication delay encountered by each collected data packet. Moreover, it is difficult to find a global optimal solution by formulating the problem as a single objective program. To address the investigated problem, this study proposes a novel framework consisting of solving a bi-objective RSU location optimization problem and an OD demand estimation problem. This RSU location optimization problem is formulated as a bi-objective nonlinear binary integer program to balance the maximization of the amount of path flow information and the minimization of V2R communication delay. The OD demand estimation problem is formulated as a least square estimator to identify the RSU location scheme with the smallest OD demand estimation error, among the Pareto optimal solutions to the bi-objective program. An efficient $varepsilon $ -constraint method is developed to generate the Pareto optimal solutions. The numerical example demonstrates that the proposed framework achieves 6.95 lower root-mean-square error of OD demand estimation, compared with the baseline framework.
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    摘要:The daily passage of vehicles generates a huge amount of location-aware social data, which provides a rich source of data for analyzing vehicle travel behavior. Being able to accurately predict the future destinations of vehicle travel has great economic value and social impact. The presence of larger sparsity, fewer features and error information in the real dataset led to difficulties in convergence of previous models. Therefore, we propose a Novel Vehicle Destination Prediction Model with Expandable Features Using Attention Mechanism and Variational Autoencoder (EFAMVA). The EFAMVA model combines the autoencoder model and the attention mechanism has overcome the above mentioned problems. The variational autoencoder model obtains the hidden features conforming to the characteristics of the data from the structured vehicle driving data. And the attention mechanism can learn the appropriate combination of weight parameters. The comprehensive experimental results with other comparison models show that the EFAMVA model achieved the best index score, with the MSE value of 0.750, the RMSE value of 1.215, and the MAE value of 0.955. Therefore, it can be shown that the EFAMVA model has a better predictive effect on the future destination of the vehicle.
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    摘要:Due to increasing rates of adoption of electric vehicles (EVs), there is a strong need to deploy the necessary charging station infrastructure, together with routing strategies to manage traffic flow and congestion. This study addresses the location-routing problem (LRP) for a general EV charging system with stochastic charging requests regarding their locations, arrival times and charging times. The objective is to develop an efficient routing strategy of EVs to charging stations, as well as to determine the optimal charging station locations so as to minimize the demand’s mean response time. Under some regularity assumptions on the mean waiting time at each charging station (e.g. system operates in a light or heavy traffic regime), we show that the optimization problem can be formulated as a partition-based clustering problem with size constraints. This relaxation of the problem formulation enables us to develop a novel data-driven approach for solving the charging station LRP, without requiring detailed stochastic models for the EV’s charging requests, as well as the queueing behavior of the charging stations. An algorithm along with two size adjustment strategies are developed to solve the obtained clustering problem and illustrated on urban areas of Seattle with various types of distance, vehicle speeds, distributions for charging request locations, and inter-arrival time densities.
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    摘要:Data transmission in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) often suffers from routing interruptions due to the unstable communication links between vehicles. Over the past decades, many traffic-aware routing protocols have been proposed to alleviate routing interruptions by sensing traffic conditions. However, in most traffic-aware routing protocols, vehicles must transmit a large number of control packets to accumulate traffic information, which may degrade network performance due to the resulting intense competition over the wireless medium. Instead of using control packets, we propose to leverage the beacon mechanism that has been widely used in VANETs to realize traffic awareness. Vehicles broadcast beacons to exchange necessary information with their neighbors periodically. We can leverage this information exchange process among vehicles to replace control packets. To realize this idea, first, a mathematical analysis is provided to demonstrate its feasibility. Then, we propose a concrete protocol to address the technical challenges of using beacons. Extensive simulation results show that our protocol performs better than the state-of-the-art counterparts regarding packet delivery ratio, average delivery time, and network overhead.
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    摘要:UAV-based automatic railway inspection is expected to have the potential to reform the inspection of railways. In this area, real-time railway scene parsing is quite essential. However, the limited computation resources of the UAV onboard computer pose a huge challenge for the algorithm to juggle a precise prediction with strong timeliness. Concerning this issue, this paper proposes a novel algorithm named deep fully decoupled residual convolutional network, which consists of fully decoupled residual blocks (Non-bottleneck-FDs) to deal with the dilemma between the high demand of real-time and limited resources. The residual block is constructed based on a new convolution which divides the standard convolution into three sequential convolutions to decouple the conventional operational correlations fully. Furthermore, a customized auxiliary line loss (LL) function is proposed to constrain the segmentation of railway and non-railway simultaneously without increasing the computation complexity. The proposed LL can force the predicted railway areas to concentrate in long strip areas precisely and inhibit their appearances in other impossible local areas. Subsequently, an integrated loss backpropagation strategy of the LL and cross-entropy function is presented. A comprehensive set of experiments are conducted for verification. Experiments demonstrate the superior performance of our approach with a more than $2times $ reduction in parameters and computation cost. Moreover, our approach also has a faster inference speed than the most existing lightweight architectures while providing comparable or higher accuracy. It is proven that our approach can reconcile the precise prediction with strong timeliness for railway scene parsing within the limitation of onboard computers. Besides, the results also imply its highest performance in terms of local details and edges of railway areas.
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    摘要:Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming pervasive in most engineering domains, and railway transport is no exception. However, due to the plethora of different new terms and meanings associated with them, there is a risk that railway practitioners, as several other categories, will get lost in those ambiguities and fuzzy boundaries, and hence fail to catch the real opportunities and potential of machine learning, artificial vision, and big data analytics, just to name a few of the most promising approaches connected to AI. The scope of this paper is to introduce the basic concepts and possible applications of AI to railway academics and practitioners. To that aim, this paper presents a structured taxonomy to guide researchers and practitioners to understand AI techniques, research fields, disciplines, and applications, both in general terms and in close connection with railway applications such as autonomous driving, maintenance, and traffic management. The important aspects of ethics and explainability of AI in railways are also introduced. The connection between AI concepts and railway subdomains has been supported by relevant research addressing existing and planned applications in order to provide some pointers to promising directions.
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    摘要:UAV surveillance and tracking have attracted great enthusiasm in intelligent transportation, and various approaches have been reported up to now. However, these approaches often ignored the uncertainties in the urban environment, such as occlusion, view change, and background clutter. Ignoring these uncertain factors often leads to a reduction in surveillance performance and tracking quality. This study devotes to improving the cooperative surveillance capability of multi-UAV formation by designing different cooperative strategies in the urban environment. To be specific, a novel cooperative architecture is designed to control the observation locations of multiple UAVs throughout the formation process. For different types of interference, we introduce a novel target recognition rate of each UAV as the decision factor and design corresponding cooperative strategies to guarantee the accuracy of cooperative surveillance. Based on this architecture, we develop a vision-based method of cooperative surveillance and tracking by multiple UAVs (SMART) whose objective function is the motion cost and flight reliability of UAVs to ensure that each UAV can be in the optimal surveillance location for the target. The proposed SMART skillfully integrates the strict, elastic, and flight constraint strategies. During the execution of the multi-UAV formation, the inherent safety constraints of multiple UAVs and the designed strategies are used to solve the quadratic optimization model to adjust the locations of these UAVs. To demonstrate the superiority of our method, we conduct a 3D simulation urban environment and devise several experiments to analyze the performance of SMART on it. The experimental results demonstrate that SMART can not only maintain the high cooperative flight capability, but also provide high flexibility and fault tolerance.
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    摘要:In recent years, traffic flow prediction has attracted more and more interest from both academia and industry since such information can provide effective guidance for traffic management or driving planning and enhance traffic safety and efficiency. But due to the complicated spatial-temporal dependence in actual roads and the limitation of intersection monitoring equipment, there are still many challenges in spatial-temporal traffic flow prediction. In this paper, we propose a novel hierarchical traffic flow prediction protocol based on spatial-temporal graph convolutional network (ST-GCN), which incorporates both spatial and temporal dependence of intersection traffic to achieve a more accurate traffic flow prediction. Different from existing works, our proposed protocol with the Adjacent-Similar algorithm can also effectively predict the traffic flow of the intersections without historical data. Experiments based on practical traffic data of the city of Qingdao, China demonstrate that our proposed ST-GCN-based traffic flow prediction protocol outperforms the state-of-the-art baseline models. Moreover, as for the intersections without historical data, we can also obtain a good prediction accuracy.
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    摘要:Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) have recently become more significant to intelligent transport systems (ITS). Recent works focused on improving throughput and decreasing delay. In this paper, a novel MIMO-OFDM based MAC Protocol is proposed for VANETs to enhance their performance. Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) and orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) are integrated to exploit the benefit of both MIMO and OFDM. To accord MIMO with OFDM, a novel access mechanism is proposed. 3D Markov chain model-based analytical study is presented, considered a non-saturated condition. Nakagami-m fading channels are taken into account in the study. Parameters affecting performance are taken into consideration, and relationships are derived. The probability of successful transmission, probability of outage, bit error rate (BER), throughput, and delay expressions are achieved. Moreover, numerical results are presented, which verify analytical studies.
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    摘要:In the Cognitive Internet of Vehicles (CIoV), vehicles, road side units (RSU) and other key nodes have been equipped with more and more software to support intelligent transportation system (ITS), vehicle automatic control and intelligent road information services. Additionally, technological innovation forces the software in the CIoV to update and upgrade in time. However, escalation is critical to the safety, stability, and maintenance cost of transportation systems. It can be assumed that when the intelligent services supporting CIoV can realize self-perception and escalation, the cognitive ability and coordination ability of the entire CIoV will be greatly improved. To address this, we first propose a deep learning-based method for Software Escalation Prediction (SEP) in CIoV. Specifically, the pretraining mechanism of transformers in the field of natural language processing is combined with software upgrade-related events to dynamically model software sequence activities. To capture the event association in the software activities, we use graph modeling software’s state log and utilize a graph neural network (GNN) to learn the complex life activity rule of software. Finally, the above characteristics are deeply integrated. The proposed method has a 6–8 improvement over the RoBERTa methods.
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    • 作者:Qian Meng;Li-Ta Hsu;
    • 刊名:IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems
    • 2022年第9期
    摘要:To improve the robustness and reliability of multi-sensor navigation and reduce the uncertainties and complexity of sensor management in challenging environment, a resilient interactive sensor-independent-update (ISIU) method is proposed. Inspired by the interactive cooperation theory, the contributions can be divided into two aspects. Firstly the priority of trust of navigation sensors is introduced into the information fusion in the form of transition probability matrix defined by Markov chain. Secondly every observable sensor is integrated with the propagated system in an elemental filter with sensor-independent-update structure. The multi-sensor integration is implemented in state estimation domain enhanced by interactive information fusion rather than in measurement domain implemented in traditional filter method. The overall estimation is determined by the weighted sum of average from every filter estimate. This weight of every model is dynamic updated by the prior transition information and posterior model likelihood. The same independent structure is also applied to adopt new available sensor to realize plug-and-play navigation. The kinematic vehicle experiment in sub-urban and urban canyon environment verified the superiority of the proposed method. The ISIU method shows better accuracy and reliability compared to classical Kalman filters. The introduction of priority of sensors and decoupled measurement update process make it robust and insensitive to sensor measurement noise and outliers. The interactive sensor-independent-update structure has the natural function of fault detection and exclusion without additional operations. The effect of dynamic sensor selection is achieved in this processing. The proposed ISIU method is pretty suitable for resilient navigation in challenging environments.
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    摘要:Assuring the safety of all road users, including non-motorized vehicles, is important in the autonomous driving environment. Autonomous emergency braking (AEB) systems have provided an effective way for automated vehicles to avoid collisions with the less easily detectable non-motorized vehicles. Automatic preventive braking (APB) is a new method proposed by Mobileye that promises to reduce crashes without reducing traffic throughput, but APB’s effectiveness has not yet been evaluated. This study therefore calibrates and compares the performance of APB with that of one-stage and three-stage AEB braking systems in safety-critical events (SCEs) between motorized and non-motorized vehicles, using SCEs extracted from the Shanghai Naturalistic Driving Study and simulated in MATLAB’s Simulink. The evaluation results, which consider both safety and conservativeness, show that 1) one-stage AEB with a deceleration of $5.5,text {m/s}^{2}$ and a time-to-collision threshold of 1.6 seconds can prevent all SCEs from becoming crashes; 2) APB has the best driving stability but its safety performance is inferior to that of the two AEB systems; 3) APB’s deceleration process is easily affected by its pre-defined parameters and changing kinetic parameters, which may be one cause of its crashes; 4) AEB’s time-triggered braking process is more consistent and reliable than APB’s distance-triggered process.
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    摘要:Overbreak and underbreak exerts negative impacts on the peripheral rocks mass around the excavation area, and also affects the construction cost and safety of the underground structures. Although a wide variety of monitoring and computing methods have been developed and applied to detect the tunnel overbreak and underbreak, these methods are constantly doubted for high cost of instruments. In this paper, a photogrammetric system with advantages of accuracy and efficiency is proposed for detection and prevention of tunnel overbreak and underbreak in construction. The proposed system employs an image matching method based on improved Hausdorff distance and image interlace scanning and region growing principles for higher efficient marker recognition, and uses the cubic parametric interpolation spline method to approximate the tunnel section profile. 3-dimensional reconstruction is also integrated in the system for better visualization and volume calculation of underbreak and overbreak. The reliability of the system is verified and successfully implemented in a practical tunnel excavation project, indicating its potential application scenarios in similar projects.
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    摘要:Tire states and capacity monitoring is critical for vehicle and wheel stabilization controls in automated driving and active safety systems. Tire capacity, which represents the performance margin of tire forces from its limits, determines the operational range for vehicle control systems and their actuation through steering or torques at each tire to maintain stability while performing trajectory following. This paper presents a generic tire capacity identification framework that can handle different normal loads, road surface friction, and combined-slip driving scenarios, which are challenging for stabilization and tracking control programs in automated driving systems. A novel measuring method for generating force-training data is designed by combining the indoor tire test procedure and tread rubber friction test rig, in order to obtain adequate and high-quality benchmark datasets. The results from large data sets from road experimenting and indoor tire test facilities, including pure- and combined-slip conditions, confirm effectiveness of the developed learning-based tire capacity estimation which utilizes notions from the model description with bounded uncertainty. More importantly, the proposed method can provide reliable tire properties ranging from the linear to the sliding regions. Further validation is performed on a real test car with on-board sensory measurements, and the results confirm accuracy of the proposed method for various free rolling and hard launch/brake scenarios.
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    摘要:Positioning is the most basic yet important process in a train control system. In practical train systems, the position of a train is determined with a track circuit, a radio frequency (RF) tag called a “balise”, or a tachometer. A train control center gives each train an automatic train protection (ATP) speed profile computed from the positioning information of both the train and the next train in front it. To successfully operate in a conventional train control system such as ATP/ATO, each train derives its own automatic train operation (ATO) speed profile from the ATP speed profile provided by the control center. However, existing train positioning schemes face many difficulties in terms of installation, maintenance, and repair. To address these difficulties, we consider using 5G NR (New Radio) signals which have a high probability for guaranteeing line-of-sight (LOS) as well as a high sampling rate because they do not require the additional installation of any infrastructure for positioning. In this paper, we propose two positioning schemes for high speed trains (HSTs) based on Kalman filters that make use of 5G NR signals. The first is an HST positioning scheme using a modified Kalman filter and the second is an HST positioning scheme using a deep Kalman filter. Simulation results show that the two proposed schemes achieve better performance in nonlinear non-Gaussian systems as well as in nonlinear Gaussian systems in terms of mean and worst 5 position errors when compared to the existing positioning scheme for HSTs that utilize 5G NR signals.
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    摘要:Existing lane-changing (LC) algorithms in general prioritize self-interest above the benefits of others. We argue that an autonomous vehicle should be socially responsible during lane change without causing excessive impact on its surroundings. Thus, in this paper, we propose an LC algorithm that could generate a trajectory to optimize the overall benefits of the subject vehicle and others in its vicinity. This is mainly achieved by introducing Longitudinal Control Model to characterize the driving behaviors of neighboring vehicles, and drivers’ needs such as comfort, efficiency, and safety are simultaneously satisfied. We combine macro and micro comparative analysis to evaluate the advantage of our approach against existing algorithms. Our findings reveal that the vehicle controlled by our algorithm is capable of safely performing the LC maneuver while causing the least amount of impact. This is reflected in the decrease in total cost of all vehicles and the increase in traffic speed and throughput in its vicinity. In addition, we use HighD dataset for further validation and demonstrate that our algorithm is practically sound. Application of this research can lead to improved autonomous driving technology.
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    摘要:During the long-term service of asphalt pavement, under the combined action of repeated loads and environmental factors, asphalt pavement will gradually appear small damage. When the damage accumulates to a certain extent, the asphalt pavement will have serious rutting deformation, resulting in poor highway flatness and greatly reducing the service life of the asphalt pavement. The traditional monitoring methods of pavement rutting deformation need high environmental detection conditions. At the same time, there are some problems, such as subjective judgment standard and unable to monitor in real time. The commonly used road surface coring detection methods will destroy the original continuous structure of the pavement and easily cause internal damage of the pavement under the action of rain and snow environment. In this study, based on the intelligent aggregate (IA) equipped with high-precision attitude sensor, a new pavement rutting deformation monitoring method was proposed. Combined with the indoor rutting experiment, the relationship model between intelligent aggregate attitude change and rutting deformation was established, and the relationship model between real pavement rutting deformation and intelligent aggregate attitude change was established by finite element method, so as to realize the rutting deformation monitoring method based on Intelligent aggregate.
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    摘要:Although various weakly supervised anomaly detection methods have been proposed in recent years, generalization of anomaly detection is still not well-explored. Existing weakly supervised methods usually use normal and abnormal events to pose anomaly detection as a regression problem. However, defining concepts that encompass all possible normal and abnormal event patterns is nearly unrealistic, so the anomaly detection model is likely to face both open normal and abnormal events in practical applications. We find some weakly supervised anomaly detection methods suffer from performance degradation when faced with open events due to their poor generalization. To tackle this issue, we propose a two-branch weakly supervised approach, which can improve the anomaly detection performance of open events without affecting the performance of the seen events. Specifically, considering that the pattern of open events is different from that of seen events, we design a Test Data Analyzer (TDA) that determines whether the test video features belong to seen or open data and argue for separate treatment for them. For the seen data, a classifier trained by multiple instance learning is used to predict anomaly scores. For the open data, we design an anomaly detection model via meta-learning named Meta-Learning Anomaly Detection (MLAD), which can directly determine whether open data is abnormal without updating model parameters. In detail, MLAD synthesizes pseudo-seen data and pseudo-open data so that the model can learn to detect anomalies in open data by transferring the knowledge of seen data. Experimental results validate the effectiveness of our proposed method.
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    摘要:Rapid development and deployment of vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs) require an efficient and scalable media access control (MAC) protocol to support high-priority safety applications and infotainment requirements. This paper proposes SATMAC, a self-adaptive time division multiple access (TDMA)-based MAC protocol for VANETs. In order to improve the stability of the time slot scheduling in VANETs, a slot status updating strategy is carefully designed, which utilizes accurate information of the two-hop neighbors and the rough information of the three-hop neighbors to detect the potential packet collisions and avoids potential collisions by adjusting the occupied time slot. Besides, an adaptive frame length (the number of time slots contained in a frame) approach is proposed on the basis of the slot adjustment to support various densities of vehicles, where the frame length between neighbors can be inconsistent. We conduct theoretical analysis and extensive simulations in a realistic VANET environment to evaluate SATMAC. Simulation results show that compared with IEEE 802.11p and LTE-V2X PC5 Mode 4, SATMAC significantly improves PDR of beacons over 60. Moreover, our SATMAC design is further implemented and validated on our FPGA-based testbed.
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    摘要:In this paper, a robust $mathcal {H}_{2}$ controller based on Linear Parameter Varying (LPV) model with scheduling variable reduction is applied for a lane-keeping system. On a curved road section, varying longitudinal speed and roll motion lead to multiple parameter variations in the lateral vehicle dynamics. To trade-off between the complexity of the multiple scheduling variables and the accuracy of the LPV model, an order reducing method by Autoencoder (AE) is performed to obtain a reduced model and diminishes the conservatism of LPV-based controller design. Further, to ensure the continuous convex set membership of the reduced scheduling variables in online test scenarios, the Lipschitz constant of the offline trained neural network (NN) is tightly estimated by solving a Semidefinite Program (SDP). The convex set of local Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) controllers is designed according to the estimated Lipschitz bound of the trained NN. The LPV-based robust $mathcal {H}_{2}$ feedback controller is then designed by solving a set of Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMIs). Numerical simulations with full vehicle dynamics from CarSim are given to demonstrate the performance of the proposed system on various test roads. The continuous finding of the reduced scheduling variable membership is guaranteed in the online tests, and the effectiveness of the proposed method is confirmed with the mean value of lateral offset error reduced by about 50 compared with LTI-based $mathcal {H}_{2}$ controllers.
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    摘要:Railway track is never perfect, as rail distortions, namely, geometric irregularities, exist at all locations along the track. However, these distortions can be regarded as valuable indicators for train localization, since track irregularities present location-dependent characteristics, the measurements of which using onboard sensors are repeatable for the same track. In this research, we study the possibility of determining a train’s position by matching the track irregularity measurements to a predefined map. A train-borne experiment on a real track is used to preliminarily demonstrate the feasibility, evaluate the performance and determine the key parameters for practical implementation. The results show that a submeter longitudinal localization accuracy can be achieved even when using a low-cost cabin-mounted microelectromechanical system (MEMS) inertial measurement unit (IMU), which measures the train’s responses to track irregularities. The proposed method can enhance the positioning accuracy and improve the robustness of multisensory train localization systems.
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    摘要:Estimated time of arrival (ETA) is one of the critical services offered by navigation and hailing providers. The majority of existing solutions approach ETA as a regression problem and leverage GPS trajectories for estimation. However, the travel time fluctuates greatly between different trips, making simple regression methods skewed. Additionally, these methods are incapable of conducting estimation in practice because the trajectories of future trips are unknown. To jointly tackle these problems, we propose a novel Categorical approximate method to Estimate Time of Arrival (CatETA). Specifically, we formulate the ETA problem as a classification problem and label it with the average time of each category. To eliminate bias in categorical labeling, we approximate travel time using the weighted average of different classes in the testing stage. Then, we design a network structure that extracts the spatio-temporal features of link sequences and integrates a set of global information. Furthermore, we merge link sequences according to network topology and graph embedding to alleviate the computational burden associated with large-scale link networks. Comprehensive experiments on real-world datasets demonstrate that CatETA considerably improves the estimation performance and significantly reduces computational effort.
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    摘要:At the heart of all automated driving systems is the ability to sense the surroundings, e.g., through semantic segmentation of LiDAR sequences, which experienced a remarkable progress due to the release of large datasets such as SemanticKITTI and nuScenes-LidarSeg. While most previous works focus on sparse segmentation of the LiDAR input, dense output masks provide self-driving cars with almost complete environment information. In this paper, we introduce MASS - a Multi-Attentional Semantic Segmentation model specifically built for dense top-view understanding of the driving scenes. Our framework operates on pillar- and occupancy features and comprises three attention-based building blocks: (1) a keypoint-driven graph attention, (2) an LSTM-based attention computed from a vector embedding of the spatial input, and (3) a pillar-based attention, resulting in a dense 360° segmentation mask. With extensive experiments on both, SemanticKITTI and nuScenes-LidarSeg, we quantitatively demonstrate the effectiveness of our model, outperforming the state of the art by 19.0 on SemanticKITTI and reaching 30.4 in mIoU on nuScenes-LidarSeg, where MASS is the first work addressing the dense segmentation task. Furthermore, our multi-attention model is shown to be very effective for 3D object detection validated on the KITTI-3D dataset, showcasing its high generalizability to other tasks related to 3D vision.
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    摘要:Stereo matching depth estimation for rectified image pairs is of great importance to many compute vision tasks, specifically in autonomous driving. With the flourishing of convolution neural networks, responsible depth estimation of stereo matching with artificial intelligence is the most severe challenge for autonomous driving in recent years. Previous research on end-to-end trainable stereo matching networks has usually used cascading convolution blocks with down-sampling or pooling operations to extract the unary features required for matching cost construction. Such approaches lack a reconstruction stage for increasing feature map pixel-wise alignment and strength, factors which play an important role in representing the similarity between stereo image pairs. To address this issue, in this paper, we propose the progressive fusion stereo matching network (PFSM-Net). We exploit an encoder-decoder feature extraction network architecture for multi-stage and -scale dynamic feature extraction. Moreover, we propose a group-wise concatenation method to construct the cost volume, which provides a more efficient cost volume for cost aggregation. Furthermore, we propose the use of multi-scale cost aggregation networks with a progressive fusion strategy. The aggregated cost volume is progressively fused with the multi-stage and -scale cost volume as the size of the cost volume increases. Multi-stage and -scale outputs are supervised with and learned in a coarse-to-fine manner. Experimental results demonstrate that our method outperforms previous methods on the SceneFlow, KITTI 2012, and KITTI 2015 datasets.
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    摘要:Recently, Internet of Vehicles (IoV) and Machine Learning (ML) have attracted more and more attention. Considering inefficient real-time training and high requirements on computing capabilities of centralized data collection, performing Distributed Machine Learning (DML) in IoV has become an important research branch. However, the heterogeneity, mobility, and distrust among IoV nodes affect how to execute DML effectively, securely, and in a salable manner. In this paper, a blockchain-based Cooperative Learning framework combined with a Deep Compression method (CLDC) is proposed. First, we improve the local training efficiency of lightweight IoV nodes by using deep compression method. Meanwhile, we have introduced a blockchain system in CLDC, the significance of which is that we have completed the transformation from centralized architecture to distributed framework through the blockchain, and shared local training results in a verifiable manner. The framework uses non-tamperable features of the blockchain to ensure the security of local training results. Moreover, we propose a Learning-based Redundant Byzantine Fault Tolerance (L-RBFT) protocol, in which the primary node needs to confirm the loss percentage of learning in the transaction before forwarding the RBFT messages. The significance of L-RBFT is to ensure that IoV nodes obtain the best training results through the consensus of blockchain nodes. We use it to solve the computing and communication resource allocation problem in IoV to clarify the operating mechanism of the proposed framework. The experimental results prove that this scheme performs better when compared with the traditional centralized deep reinforcement learning method.
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    摘要:In the context of Automated Vehicles, the Automated Lane Change system, is fundamentally based upon the separate constructs of Perception, Decision making, Trajectory Planning, and Execution. However, in existing works there are many simplistic and unplausible assumptions in applying these constructs that severely restrict their operational effectiveness in realistic and complex driving scenarios. For instance, there are rigid assumptions about the disposition of vehicles and that lane-changing maneuvers can occur instantaneously, but that highly desirable features such as the ability for real-time trajectory re-planning are lacking. In this paper, we address these limitations through an integrated methodology for lane-change decision making and trajectory planning, in which a deep Reinforcement Learning algorithm with a safe action set technique is employed in decision making that is effectively coupled to a specially devised trajectory planning model. The proposed new methodology is computationally efficient, supporting real-time implementation, and provides for lane-changing maneuvers that can be made simultaneously with other vehicles and can be dynamically re-planned; thus, enabling flexible, robust, and safe lane-changing maneuvers under the guidance of a new decision-making module. Finally, the veracity of the proposed methodology in guiding a vehicle to improve travel times and accomplish high-level driving behaviors such as overtaking and desired-speed maintenance in a range of road traffic scenarios is demonstrated in a number of numerical experiments.
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    摘要:Shared mobility services require accurate demand models for effective service planning. On the one hand, modeling the full probability distribution of demand is advantageous because the entire uncertainty structure preserves valuable information for decision-making. On the other hand, demand is often observed through the usage of the service itself, so that the observations are censored, as they are inherently limited by available supply. Since the 1980s, various works on Censored Quantile Regression models have performed well under such conditions. Further, in the last two decades, several papers have proposed to implement these models flexibly through Neural Networks. However, the models in current works estimate the quantiles individually, thus incurring a computational overhead and ignoring valuable relationships between the quantiles. We address this gap by extending current Censored Quantile Regression models to learn multiple quantiles at once and apply these to synthetic baseline datasets and datasets from two shared mobility providers in the Copenhagen metropolitan area in Denmark. The results show that our extended models yield fewer quantile crossings and less computational overhead without compromising model performance.
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    摘要:In the research of autonomous vehicles, most existing studies treat the decision/planning and control as two separate problems. This idea originates from robotics. But since there are essential differences between robot and autonomous vehicle, the structure in Robotics may not be suitable for autonomous vehicles. Considering decision/planning and control separately may affect the performance of autonomous vehicle under complex driving conditions. To fill in the research gap, this paper proposes a novel scheme which considers the local motion planning and control in a combined manner. Firstly, the local motion planning is transformed into the longitudinal control problem based on the proposed scenario adaptive MPC, by which the motion behavior (driving along the global path, car-following, lane-change) can be automatically decided. Then, the lateral MPC controller is designed to track the global path and conduct the local motion commands. To ensure the performance of the path tracking control and a smooth lane-change process simultaneously, an adaptive weight mechanism is introduced in the lateral controller. Comprehensive case studies including both straight and curve road are conducted based on Carsim-Simulink co-simulation platform. The results show that the proposed algorithm can not only ensure the vehicle safety in complex driving conditions, but also ensure that the vehicle can drive at its desired velocity as much as possible by intelligently judging the most proper motion behaviors.
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    摘要:With the rapid development of Internet of Things (IoT) in the field of transportation, the vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication not only becomes available on a large scale, but also will be an indispensable part of the future transportation. License plates are the identification of vehicles, so the license plate detection and recognition in the V2V communication scenario is very important. However, the existing license plate detection and recognition methods are suffering from a low accuracy rate issue. To solve this issue, we propose a hybrid deep learning algorithm as the license plate detection and recognition model by fusing YOLOV3 and CRNN. The proposed model enables the network itself to better utilize the different fine-grained features in the high and low layers to carry out multi-scale detection and recognition. In this model, we utilize the fast and accurate performance of YOLOV3, and the excellent detection ability of CRNN. As a result, this proposed model reaps the benefit of both. Finally, we test this proposed model in difficult scenarios and low-quality license plate images caused by weather, and results show this proposed license plate detection and recognition model can achieve a higher mean average precision, better comprehensive performance, and excellent robustness.
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    摘要:Autonomous driving in multi-agent dynamic traffic scenarios is challenging: the behaviors of road users are uncertain and are hard to model explicitly, and the ego-vehicle should apply complicated negotiation skills with them, such as yielding, merging and taking turns, to achieve both safe and efficient driving in various settings. Traditional planning methods are largely rule-based and scale poorly in these complex dynamic scenarios, often leading to reactive or even overly conservative behaviors. Therefore, they require tedious human efforts to maintain workability. Recently, deep learning-based methods have shown promising results with better generalization capability but less hand engineering efforts. However, they are either implemented with supervised imitation learning (IL), which suffers from dataset bias and distribution mismatch issues, or are trained with deep reinforcement learning (DRL) but focus on one specific traffic scenario. In this work, we propose DQ-GAT to achieve scalable and proactive autonomous driving, where graph attention-based networks are used to implicitly model interactions, and deep Q-learning is employed to train the network end-to-end in an unsupervised manner. Extensive experiments in a high-fidelity driving simulator show that our method achieves higher success rates than previous learning-based methods and a traditional rule-based method, and better trades off safety and efficiency in both seen and unseen scenarios. Moreover, qualitative results on a trajectory dataset indicate that our learned policy can be transferred to the real world for practical applications with real-time speeds. Demonstration videos are available at https://caipeide.github.io/dq-gat/ .
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    摘要:For enhancing the operation efficiency of the fully automatic operation (FAO) system in the urban rail transit (URT), this paper investigates the robust dynamic train regulation problem with respect to frequent disruptions and imperfect wireless transmissions. To better express the characteristic of the arriving passengers, the fuzzy passenger arrival rate is adopted to address the uncertainty of the passenger flow, and a T-S fuzzy state-space model is established to express the periodical movement of the train traffic in an URT loop line. By considering the possible packet dropout phenomenon during the wireless data transmissions, which may lead to the instability of the train traffic system and degrade the performance of the regulation strategy, a robust real-time train regulation strategy is developed based on the fuzzy predictive control theory, which distinguishes existing studies in that the uncertainty dropout rate is contemplated to address the complexity of the actual operation environment. A sufficient condition for the proposed control law is presented to guarantee that the nominal train schedule is recovered from disturbed situations with a given attenuation level by means of the $H_{infty }$ performance index, and meanwhile the optimization of the upper bound on the objective function balancing the service efficiency and control cost is achieved. Numerical simulations based on the Beijing subway loop line 2 are presented for demonstration of the effectiveness of the introduced strategy.
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    摘要:Public transportation is expensive to operate and maintain and is often unsatisfactory. The attractiveness of public transportation can be enhanced by making it more seamless, which, in turn, would reduce financial constraints and inefficiencies. The adoption of mobile devices for ticketing solutions is promising. However, current solutions are often inflexible and require manual interactions that produce evanescent data. Therefore, using leading-edge technologies and infrastructure, it is desirable to develop a solution to fully automate fare collection. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive literature review to understand the state of public transportation and to facilitate the development and implementation of automated fare collection solutions. First, we discuss existing mobile technologies and their common ticketing implementations. Second, we provide a predictive behavior model with sensor analytics to better understand customer needs. Finally, we highlight how machine learning can harness transactional ticketing data to create valuable business intelligence. Overall, developing and implementing automated fare collection solutions in urban transportation is expected to have a significant positive impact on customer experiences, the emergence of new business models and the reduction of pollutant emissions.
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    摘要:The berth allocation problem (BAP) is an NP-hard problem in maritime traffic scheduling that significantly influences the operational efficiency of the container terminal. This paper formulates the BAP as a permutation-based combinatorial optimization problem and proposes an improved ant colony system (ACS) algorithm to solve it. The proposed ACS has three main contributions. First, an adaptive heuristic information (AHI) mechanism is proposed to help ACS handle the discrete and real-time difficulties of BAP. Second, to relieve the computational burden, a divide-and-conquer strategy based on variable-range receding horizon control (vRHC) is designed to divide the complete BAP into a set of sub-BAPs. Third, a partial solution memory (PSM) mechanism is proposed to accelerate the ACS convergence process in each receding horizon (i.e., each sub-BAP). The proposed algorithm is termed as adaptive ACS (AACS) with vRHC strategy and PSM mechanism. The performance of the AACS is comprehensively tested on a set of test cases with different scales. Experimental results show that the effectiveness and robustness of AACS are generally better than the compared state-of-the-art algorithms, including the well-performing adaptive evolutionary algorithm and ant colony optimization algorithm. Moreover, comprehensive investigations are conducted to evaluate the influences of the AHI mechanism, the vRHC strategy, and the PSM mechanism on the performance of the AACS algorithm.
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    摘要:This paper researches the cooperative control problem for multiple subway trains under the asynchronous data dropouts in both measurement channel and downlink channel. The compensation-based cooperative model free adaptive iterative learning control (cCMFAILC) for the multiple city subway trains (MCSTs) is proposed to avoid deterioration of the control performance due to data dropouts. First, the nonlinear subway train system is transformed into an equivalent dynamic linearization data model to describe the input-output dynamics of the subway train system. Next, the lost data is replaced by the corresponding data of the same time instant in the latest available iteration. And the cCMFAILC is designed to guarantee that the speed tracking errors of MCSTs are bounded along the iteration axis and the headway of neighboring subway trains is stabilized in a safe range. Finally, theoretical analysis and MCSTs simulations verify the validity of the proposed cCMFAILC scheme.
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    摘要:The locations and users’ information can be shared and interacted in the IoV (Internet of Vehicles), which provides sufficient data for traffic deployment and behavior pattern analysis. However, privacy issues had become more severe since personal or sensitive information is inclined to be revealed in a big data environment. In this work, a novel differential privacy-based algorithm named DPTD (Differentially Private Trajectory Database) is proposed for trajectory database releasing. Firstly, a 3-dimensional generalized trajectory dataset is established by considering the time factor. Then, the trajectory space is divided into several planes through the timestamps, and the set of the locations on each plane is further processed by clustering and generalizing to re-form new trajectories, that is, the trajectories to be released. This method is quite favorable to prefix-tree releasing because the spatiotemporal characteristics of the trajectories can be captured and spareness problem is fixed. Besides, a Markov assumption-based prediction method is suggested in order to reduce the cost of adding noise. Unlike the traditional method that the noise is added layer by layer, the noise is only added to the odd layers based on the prediction through spatio-temporal correlation, saving approximately 50 of the privacy budget. Theoretical analysis and experimental results show that the proposed algorithm has better data availability than the compared algorithms while guaranteeing the expected privacy level.
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    摘要:The realization of nondestructive detection and classification of pavement distress is of great significance for putting forward a reasonable maintenance scheme and prolonging the service life of the road. In this paper, the advanced air-coupled 3D ground-penetrating radar (3D-GPR) was used to detect Li-Ma Expressway (Jiangsu Province, China) to achieve the purpose of rapid, accurate, and nondestructive testing. Through on-site coring at the corresponding radar anomaly signal, it is verified that the 3D-GPR can identify the characteristics of pavement distress. To address the issue of a large amount of 3D-GPR images required to be processed and low efficiency of current manual classification, VGG16 and ResNet50 models were established based on deep convolutional neural network to classify four pavement distresses automatically. The results showed that the maximum accuracy, precision, and recall obtained from the VGG16 model training results were 98.73, 97.98, and 96.17, respectively. In addition, The overall processing time of VGG16 to identify 2525 radar images with $200 times 200$ pixels is 232 s. And VGG16 was selected as the automatic classification model of 3D-GPR image for pavement distress of Li-Ma Expressway.
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    摘要:Artificial Intelligence is in transition as the fast convergence of digital technologies and data science holds the promise to liberate consumer data and provide a faster and more cost-effective way of improving human initiatives. Particularly, artificial intelligence (AI) is heavily influencing autonomous vehicles nowadays. The data driven-based AI autonomous vehicles have the potential to reshape the expectations of human’s actions, the way that companies’ stakeholders collaborate, and revamp business models in the various industries.
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    摘要:This work designs an adversarial Bayesian deep network to solve the cognitive detection of pilot fatigue. Batch normalization and data enhancement are adopted in the posterior inference of the proposed model parameters to effectively improve the generalization of neural networks. The generator is used to enhance the brain power map generated from three cognitive indicators and improve the accuracy of fatigue state recognition. This work also adds adversarial noise in the vicinity of each brain electrode to form an adversarial image, which further reveals the correlation between the cognitive state of brain and the location of brain regions. Compared with other deep models and parameter optimization methods, our model achieves better detection accuracy.
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    摘要:Transport infrastructure is a fundamental component of the whole infrastructure system and socio-economic development. However, it is still a challenge to identify factors affecting large-scale infrastructure due to the lack of high-quality data and inconsistent methods. To address this issue, this study developed a comparison of data- and knowledge-driven approaches in exploring factors affecting road infrastructure performance in Western Australia using network-level high-resolution road defects data. In data-driven analysis, an optimal parameters-based geographical detectors (OPGD) model, developed based on spatial heterogeneity, was developed to investigate the contributions of explanatory factors from a spatial data perspective. In knowledge-driven analysis, a questionnaire survey was performed through group interviews with regional road management teams to analyze potential explanatory factors. A spatial analytic hierarchy process (S-AHP) approach was implemented to quantify the contributions of factors based on the survey. Finally, the consistency and difference between data- and knowledge-driven approaches are evaluated based on contributions of factors and the predictions of defect risks across the road network. The results indicate that the contributions of factors tend to be similar in both approaches, and the spatial distributions of defect risks predicted by both approaches are highly correlated. The factors and risks analyzed using both methods in rural areas are more consistent than those in urban areas due to the complexity and uncertainty of road defects. Findings from this study are critical to understanding data- and knowledge-driven approaches in transport infrastructure management and determining reasonable approaches for decision-making.


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