首页> 外文期刊>Intelligent Transport Systems, IET >Macro-analysis of the evolution of motorised mobility and relationships with the development of motionless communication systems

Macro-analysis of the evolution of motorised mobility and relationships with the development of motionless communication systems


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This study deals with the relationships between two different types of human communication: mobility - i.e. communication with movement - and motionless communication, sometimes also called virtual mobility. The aim of the study has been to carry out an analysis of modern motorised mobility around the world, considering the evolution of ITS. The final goal has been to provide an added value to the numerous publications already available on daily mobility, by selecting common elements and pointing out the role of being connected in future transport systems, in this way contributing to the pursuit of `interconnected transport systems': the Latin root of intelligent has two meanings, one of which is interconnect (inter-lego). An analysis on the long-term evolution of the main transport mode, that is, by car, has pointed out that an economic cycle has been completed in most motorised countries: this also complies with historical theories on the subject. However, new motionless communication systems have appeared on the market over the last decade, and they have become actual competitors to motorised mobility or, hopefully, collaborators. Therefore, a new cycle of cars would be possible, under certain conditions - one of which includes being connected - a requirement that this study wishes to outline with the help of some numerical analyses.
机译:这项研究处理了两种不同类型的人类交流之间的关系:流动性(即与运动进行交流)和静止通信,有时也称为虚拟流动。该研究的目的是考虑ITS的发展,对世界各地的现代机动交通进行分析。最终目标是通过选择共同的要素并指出在未来的交通运输系统中互联的作用,为已经在日常出行中提供的众多出版物提供增值,从而有助于追求“互联的交通运输系统”。 :smart的拉丁语根有两个含义,其中之一是互连(inter-lego)。对主要运输方式(即汽车)长期演进的分析指出,大多数机动车国家已经完成了经济周期:这也符合有关该主题的历史理论。但是,在过去的十年中,新的静止通信系统已经出现在市场上,它们已经成为电动出行者或希望成为协作者的真正竞争对手。因此,在某些条件下(包括连接其中的一种条件),可能会有新的汽车循环。这项研究希望借助一些数值分析来概述这一要求。



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