首页> 外文期刊>Intellectual property & technology law journal >International Efforts Are Achieving Credible IP Enforcement Even Amid Chronic Abuse

International Efforts Are Achieving Credible IP Enforcement Even Amid Chronic Abuse


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End-of-year wrap-ups or early-in-the-year horoscopes have a value beyond just summarizing major events and trends. No matter what the subject, such features invite larger perspectives and a useful escape from the noise of everyday news. That news can be very deceptive. Intellectual property enforcement is no exception. Each new reported confiscation of goods or each new hollow-sounding promise by a foreign government seems only to confirm a world at cross-purposes in which treaties are unenforceable and brand names are sitting ducks. "Piracy" is a wonderfully apt term for what goes on. The predicament of patent holders and copyright holders is comparable to 18th century businessmen whose cargoes at sea were, as a cost of doing business, always subject to the unwanted attentions of a Blackbeard or Captain Kidd.
机译:年终总结或年初运势的价值不仅仅在于总结重大事件和趋势。无论主题是什么,此类功能都可以带来更大的视野,并可以避免日常新闻的干扰。那条新闻可能很有欺骗性。知识产权执法也不例外。报道称,每一项新的没收商品或外国政府的新的空洞承诺似乎都只是在一个互不相让的世界中确认一个世界,在这个世界中,条约是不可执行的,而品牌名称却是鸭子。 “盗版”是发生了什么的奇妙恰当的术语。专利持有者和版权持有者的困境可与18世纪的商人相提并论,他们在海上的货物作为经商的费用,总是受到黑胡子或基德船长的不必要关注。



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