首页> 外文期刊>Instrumentation and Measurement, IEEE Transactions on >Noise Suppression of Corona Current Measurement From HVdc Transmission Lines

Noise Suppression of Corona Current Measurement From HVdc Transmission Lines


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The complexity and diversity of noise in corona current measurements of high-voltage direct current (HVdc) transmission lines leads to challenges in estimating corona performance. This paper proposes an offline noise suppression method for HVdc corona current measurements. Given that the corona current and background noise processes coexist within the same frequency band, we develop a novel multifaceted filtering approach for HVdc corona currents. Specifically, a cross correlation function-based center frequency recognition method is presented to provide filter design specification for a multiple notch filter to suppress narrow-band radio interference. To then suppress the residual full-band noise, wavelet denoising techniques with hard and soft thresholds are applied and compared. The proposed noise suppression method is applied to field-measured corona current data from the HVdc Experimental Base in China. We assert that the noise suppression method has versatile implementation and can be readily applied for corona loss estimation of HVdc systems.



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