首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement >Accurate Measurement of Characteristic Response for Unexploded Ordnance With Transient Electromagnetic System

Accurate Measurement of Characteristic Response for Unexploded Ordnance With Transient Electromagnetic System


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Characteristic response parameterized in time-dependent target intrinsic polarizabilities has been widely used to create feature libraries for unexploded ordnance (UXO) discrimination. This paper discusses the accurate measurement of characteristic response for UXOs with transient electromagnetic (TEM) system. First, a specially designed TEM system, which utilizes a modified solenoid and a pair of rectangular coils as transmitting coils to ensure the uniformity of primary field up to 96 & x0025; throughout the target, is described. Then, the characteristic responses of 12 UXOs are measured from directions vertical or parallel to the axis at distances from 40 to 120 cm. The measured characteristic responses show a power law decay function at an early time and an exponential decay function at a later time. The characteristic responses parallel to the target axis are larger, and the decay is considerably slower than those vertical to the axis, leading to one to two orders of magnitude difference at a later time. Results also show that the characteristic response measured from the direction vertical to the axis of the target is more precise than that from the direction parallel to the axis at the same distance. The portion of the target that is close to the system accounts for a large proportion of the response. A target can be approximated as a single dipole only when it is located no less than twice its length from the system. Finally, the characteristic responses of 12 targets are parameterized with the Pasion & x2013;Oldenburg expression for feature library creation.
机译:在依赖于时间的目标固有极化率中参数化的特征响应已被广泛用于创建未爆炸弹药(UXO)鉴别的特征库。本文讨论了使用瞬变电磁(TEM)系统对UXO进行特性响应的准确测量。首先,是一个经过特殊设计的TEM系统,它使用改进的螺线管和一对矩形线圈作为传输线圈,以确保一次磁场的均匀性达到96&x0025;描述了整个目标。然后,从垂直或平行于轴的方向以40至120 cm的距离测量12个UXO的特性响应。测得的特性响应在较早的时间显示出幂律衰减函数,在较晚的时间显示出指数衰减函数。平行于目标轴的特性响应较大,并且衰减比垂直于目标轴的响应慢得多,从而在以后导致一到两个数量级的差异。结果还表明,从垂直于目标轴的方向测量的特征响应比从平行于相同距离的轴的方向测量的特征响应更精确。目标中靠近系统的部分占响应的很大一部分。仅当目标距离系统的长度不少于两倍时,才能将其近似为单个偶极子。最后,使用Pasion&x2013; Oldenburg表达式对12个目标的特征响应进行参数化,以创建特征库。



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