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Bank to Wuffli: Not You & US


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Huw Jexkivs has had to givernan unusual number of motivational speeches lately. In mid-March the CEO of UBS's investment banking arm took the floor in London to assure an assembly of bankers not to worry: Despite the likely resignation of key rainmaker Kenneth Moelis following the departure of several of his closest aides, the Swiss bank remained committed to serving lucrative private equity clients. Then in May, Jenkins was at it again, pledging to traders in New York that UBS, under CEO Peter Wuffli, was still devoted to bond trading, even as he broke the news that its internal, debt-focused hedge fund was being shut down after big losses, forcing the exit of John Costas, Dillon Read Capital Management's chief.
机译:Huw Jexkivs最近不得不在不同寻常的励志演说中给予嘉南。 3月中旬,瑞银投资银行部门的首席执行官在伦敦发言,向全体银行家保证不要担心:尽管几位最亲密助手的离职后,主要造雨者肯尼斯·莫里斯(Kenneth Moelis)可能辞职,但这家瑞士银行仍然承诺服务于利润丰厚的私募股权客户。然后在5月,詹金斯再次提出要求,向纽约交易员保证,在首席执行官彼得·沃夫利(Peter Wuffli)领导下的瑞银集团仍致力于债券交易,尽管他爆料称其内部以债务为中心的对冲基金将被关闭。巨额亏损之后,狄龙·雷德资本管理公司(Dick Read Capital Management)负责人约翰·科斯塔斯(John Costas)退出。



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