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Maturing Economies In the Persian Gulf


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Emerging markets in general have had a stormy 18 months or so. But thanks to political stability and robust economies, it is the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)-Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates-that have stood out as oases of calm among the world's emerging economies The International Monetary Fund predicts gross domestic product growth of 4.2 percent for the GCC based on exchange rates pegged to the US dollar and strong sovereign balance sheets. They are allrunning large external surpluses with comfortable buffers. The GCC has remained relatively immune to political unrest on its border and in the surrounding Middle East & North African (MENA) region so far. Neither the difficulties between Israel and Palestine, nor the threat of ISIS, the militant Islamic State movement in Syria and Iraq, have spilled over. "Political risk used to knock confidence in the Gulf, but not this time," explains Paul Gamble, director, Africa and Middle East sovereigns group, at ratings agency Fitch in London.
机译:总体而言,新兴市场经历了18个月左右的风雨如磐。但是由于政治的稳定和经济的蓬勃发展,海湾合作委员会(GCC)的国家-巴林,科威特,阿曼,卡塔尔,沙特阿拉伯和阿拉伯联合酋长国-脱颖而出,成为世界上平静的绿洲。新兴经济体根据与美元挂钩的汇率和强大的主权资产负债表,国际货币基金组织预测海湾合作委员会的国内生产总值将增长4.2%。他们正在用舒适的缓冲物处理大量的外部盈余。到目前为止,海湾合作委员会仍相对不受其边界以及周围的中东和北非(MENA)地区政治动荡的影响。以色列和巴勒斯坦之间的困难或伊斯兰国在叙利亚和伊拉克的好战伊斯兰国运动的威胁都没有溢出。评级机构惠誉(Fitch)驻伦敦的非洲和中东主权国家集团主管保罗•甘布尔(Paul Gamble)解释说:“政治风险曾经使人们对海湾地区失去信心,但这次却没有。”



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