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NDT in Civil Engineering - a contractor's perspective


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International civil engineering firms are changing their strategies more and more from the capacity of execution of construction work to the position of general administrators or even the financing and operation of the structure. Examples of this are the international airport in Athens, or bridge and tunnel projects for international infrastructure. Hence the engineering company adopts a much larger area of responsibility with regard to risks in the planning, the construction and the use of the building than was previously customary. The use of non-destructive testing which can be brought into operation at various stages in the lifetime of the structure for the verification of the working capacity, the stability and the fatigue limit are therefore necessary for the contractor. Areas for testing include: 1. investigation of soil conditions; 2. securing of the soil; 3. quality guarantee during construction; 4. evaluation of the actual conditions after the completion of the construction work; 5. establishment of the required level of maintenance; 6. verification of the effectiveness of the maintenance. The demand for exactness of evidence, reliability of testing methods and reproducibility of results depends on the measured results. When information on the stability of a structural member is required, a very high standard of the trustworthiness of the measured results is required. The acceptance of non-destructive testing during the construction stages of the structures can be improved when the client includes a mandatory clause, in the invitation to tender, of which measurements are to be carried out. The measurement methods need to be clearly and unequivocally laid out and the costs of the measurement would therefore be included in each tender offer. In order to achieve this, a standardisation of testing methods is required, through which the client lays out precisely the required capacity and efficiency, as well as an estimation of the reproducibility.
机译:国际土木工程公司正越来越多地改变其战略,从建筑工作的执行能力到一般管理人员的职位,甚至是结构的融资和运营。例如雅典的国际机场或国际基础设施的桥梁和隧道项目。因此,与以前的惯例相比,工程公司在规划,建造和使用建筑物方面承担更大的责任范围。因此,对于承包商而言,必须使用可以在结构寿命中各个阶段进行操作的无损检测来验证工作能力,稳定性和疲劳极限。测试区域包括:1.土壤条件调查; 2.固定土壤; 3,施工过程中的质量保证; (四)建设工作完成后的实际情况评估; 5.建立所需的维护级别; 6.验证维护的有效性。对证据准确性,测试方法的可靠性和结果可重复性的需求取决于测量的结果。当需要有关结构构件稳定性的信息时,就需要非常高的测量结果可信度标准。如果客户在招标书中包含一项强制性条款,该条款中将进行测量,则可以改善结构施工阶段无损检测的接受度。测量方法必须清楚明确地列出,因此测量成本将包含在每个投标要约中。为了实现这一目标,需要对测试方法进行标准化,通过该标准,客户可以准确地规划所需的容量和效率,以及对可重复性的估算。



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