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Dailey: Obama Counterterrorism Plan Will Be Aggressive


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President-elect Barack Obama will likely pursue a more aggressive counterterrorism strategy than he conveyed during his election campaign and will engage more deeply with more countries than the Bush administration, a senior State Department official predicted this week.rnThe Obama transition team has been "more simpatico" than was expected and "much, much more aggressive" than even its campaign actions indicated, Dell Dailey, the State Department's counterterrorism coordinator, told reporters at a Jan. 6 breakfast in Washington. Dailey said his office has met five times with the team.rnThe new approach will not be "go out and kill more people right now to the detriment of our relationship with a sovereign country," he explained. "I see it as an engagement angle. I suspect it will be more countries, and more in-depth with countries. That's just what I sense from them."
机译:美国国务院高级官员本周预测,当选总统巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)可能会采取比他在竞选中传达的更具侵略性的反恐战略,并将与布什政府接触更多的国家。国务院反恐协调员戴尔·戴利(Dai Dailey)在1月6日于华盛顿举行的早餐会上对记者说,“辛巴蒂科”比预期的要“辛苦”,甚至比其竞选行动所表明的“更具侵略性”。戴利说,他的办公室已经与该团队举行了五次会议。他解释说,新方法不会“立即消失并杀死更多人,这有损我们与一个主权国家的关系。” “我认为这是一个参与角度。我怀疑这将会是更多的国家,以及与国家的更深入的接触。这正是我对他们的看法。”



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