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Linux Desktop Test Drive


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Since my reawakening to the macintosh plat- form, I have primarily been using an Apple Power-Book running OS X, and I've been really happy with it (infoworld.com/377). But the CTO in me doesn't like the fact that using OS X creates vendor lock-in on the hardware side. Granted, complaining about being locked into PowerBook C4 hardware is like whining about being forced to drive a Porsche, but it's still lock-in. Although I'm not giving up my PowerBook or OS X any time soon, I decided that it was prudent to snap out of my Mac giddiness and check out other desktop OS alternatives ― it is, after all, my job to stay on top of these things. With Longhorn still a long way away, there wasn't much to consider from Microsoft.
机译:自从唤醒Macintosh平台以来,我主要使用的是运行OS X的Apple Power-Book,对此我感到非常满意(infoworld.com/377)。但是我的CTO不喜欢使用OS X在硬件方面造成供应商锁定的事实。诚然,抱怨被锁在PowerBook C4硬件中就像在抱怨被迫驾驶保时捷,但它仍然处于锁定状态。尽管我不会很快放弃PowerBook或OS X,但我还是决定谨慎行事,摆脱Mac的困扰,并检查其他台式机操作系统替代品–毕竟,我的工作就是保持领先地位这些东西。距离Longhorn还有很长的路要走,微软没有太多要考虑的了。



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