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Pew Report: Digital Natives Get Personal


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The Millennials are the first generation of computer and internet users who have come of age in a time when they don't remember life before PCs and the internet. Now that the Millennials are reaching adulthood, significant differences in internet usage are emerging between individuals younger than 30. More personal information is being shared online, and Web 2.0 technologies are making it easier to put more of a user's personality on-rnline. This notion appalls some more traditional experts and scholars, but it's a way of life that many teens and 20-some-things are taking for granted. Using the panel of experts from the "Future of the Internet" and "Future of the Semantic Web" reports, the Pew Internet & American Life Project and Elon University's Imagining the Internet Center worked together to determine the evolution of behavior among Digital Natives in "Future of Millennials," written by Pew's Lee Rainie and Elon University's Janna Quitney Anderson.
机译:千禧一代是第一代计算机和互联网用户,他们已经不记得PC和互联网之前的生活了,他们已经成年了。现在,千禧一代已经成年,30岁以下的年轻人之间在互联网使用方面正出现显着差异。越来越多的个人信息被在线共享,并且Web 2.0技术使将更多的用户个性置于网上变得更加容易。这个想法吓倒了一些传统专家和学者,但这是许多青少年和20多岁的人认为理所当然的生活方式。皮尤(Pew)互联网与美国人生活计划(Pew Internet&American Life Project)和埃隆大学(Elon University)的想象互联网中心(Imagining Internet Center)利用“互联网的未来”和“语义网的未来”报告中的专家小组共同努力,确定了“皮尤(Pew)的李·雷尼(Lee Rainie)和埃隆大学(Elon University)的詹娜·奎特尼·安德森(Janna Quitney Anderson)撰写的《千禧一代的未来》。



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