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Google Enterprise Search


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Google has a fresh look on its enterprise search products webpage (bit.ly/liJuUJ7). It features Google Search Appliance (GSA), which allows users to unlock data with Google Search "customized and secured in an appliance for use inside your business," and Google Site Search (GSS), which helps users "quickly find what they're looking for." Remember the Roman deity Janus? Sculptors and artists depict this namesake of the month January with two faces. In the figure below, one face looks to the past and the other to the future. Notice that the face that is looking at what has already happened has a beard, while the one looking ahead is cleanshaven and represents youthful expectation. Google has wittingly (or unwittingly) created its own variation of Janus with its enterprise search products.
机译:Google的企业搜索产品网页(bit.ly/liJuUJ7)焕然一新。它具有Google Search Appliance(GSA)和Google Site Search(GSS),Google Search Appliance(GSA)允许用户使用“已在设备中自定义和保护的Google Search来解锁数据,以在企业内部使用”,Google Site Search(GSS)可以帮助用户“快速找到他们要使用的内容寻找。”还记得罗马神贾努斯吗?雕刻家和艺术家用两张面孔描绘了这一月份的同名作品。在下图中,一张脸面向过去,另一幅面向未来。请注意,正在看已发生的事情的脸上留着胡须,而向前看的脸上已经剃了胡子,代表了年轻的期望。 Google借助其企业搜索产品有意(或无意间)创建了自己的Janus变体。



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