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Phirst: A Distributed Architecture For P2p Information Retrieval


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Recent progress in peer to peer (P2P) search algorithms has presented viable structured and unstructured approaches for full-text search. We posit that these existing approaches are each best suited for different types of queries. We present PHIRST, the first system to facilitate effective full-text search within P2P databases. PHIRST works by effectively leveraging between the relative strengths of these approaches. Similar to structured approaches, agents first publish terms within their stored documents. However, frequent terms are quickly identified and not exhaustively stored, resulting in a significant reduction in the system's storage requirements. During query lookup, agents use unstructured search to compensate for the lack of fully published terms. Additionally, they explicitly weigh between the costs involved in structured and unstructured approaches, allowing for a significant reduction in query costs. Finally, we address how node failures can be effectively addressed through storing multiple copies of selected data. We evaluated the effectiveness of our approach using both real-world and artificial queries. We found that in most situations our approach yields near perfect recall. We discuss the limitations of our system, as well as possible compensatory strategies.
机译:对等(P2P)搜索算法的最新进展为全文搜索提出了可行的结构化和非结构化方法。我们认为这些现有方法最适合于不同类型的查询。我们提出了PHIRST,这是第一个在P2P数据库中促进有效全文搜索的系统。 PHIRST通过有效利用这些方法的相对优势来工作。类似于结构化方法,代理首先在其存储的文档中发布术语。但是,经常使用的术语会很快被识别出来,并且没有被详尽地存储,从而大大降低了系统的存储需求。在查询查找期间,代理使用非结构化搜索来补偿缺少完整发布的术语。此外,它们显式地权衡了结构化和非结构化方法所涉及的成本之间的关系,从而显着降低了查询成本。最后,我们介绍如何通过存储所选数据的多个副本来有效解决节点故障。我们使用真实查询和人工查询评估了我们方法的有效性。我们发现,在大多数情况下,我们的方法产生的召回率接近完美。我们讨论了系统的局限性以及可能的补偿策略。



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