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Shrink: Distance preserving graph compression


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The ever increasing size of graphs makes them difficult to query and store. In this paper, we present Shrink, a compression method that reduces the size of the graph while preserving the distances between the nodes. The compression is based on the iterative merging of the nodes. During each merging, a system of linear equations is solved to define new edge weights in a way that the new weights have the least effect on the distances. Merging nodes continues until the desired size for the compressed graph is reached. The compressed graph, also known as the coarse graph, can be queried without decompression. As the complexity of distance-based queries such as shortest path queries is highly dependent on the size of the graph, Shrink improves the performance in terms of time and storage. Shrink not only provides the length of the shortest path but also identifies the nodes on the path. The approach has been applied to both weighted and unweighted graphs including road network, friendship network, collaboration network, web graph and social network. In the experiment, a road network with more than 2.5 million nodes is reduced to fifth while the average relative error is less than 1%. (C) 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:图的大小不断增加,使其难以查询和存储。在本文中,我们提出了一种Shrink,一种压缩方法,它可以在保持节点之间距离的同时减小图形的大小。压缩基于节点的迭代合并。在每次合并期间,求解线性方程组以定义新的边缘权重,使得新的权重对距离的影响最小。合并节点继续进行,直到达到压缩图的所需大小为止。可以查询压缩图,也称为粗图,而无需解压缩。由于基于距离的查询(例如最短路径查询)的复杂性高度依赖于图形的大小,因此Shrink改善了时间和存储方面的性能。收缩不仅可以提供最短路径的长度,还可以标识路径上的节点。该方法已应用于加权图和未加权图,包括道路网络,友谊网络,协作网络,网络图和社交网络。在实验中,节点数超过250万的道路网络减少到第五,而平均相对误差则小于1%。 (C)2017由Elsevier Ltd.出版。保留所有权利。



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