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Challenges and recommended practices for software architecting in global software development


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ContextGlobal software development (GSD), although now a norm in the software industry, carries with it enormous challenges mostly regarding communication and coordination. Aforementioned challenges are highlighted when there is a need to transfer knowledge between sites, particularly when software artifacts assigned to different sites depend on each other. The design of the software architecture and associated task dependencies play a major role in reducing some of these challenges.ObjectiveThe current literature does not provide a cohesive picture of how the distributed nature of software development is taken into account during the design phase: what to avoid, and what works in practice. The objective of this paper is to gain an understanding of software architecting in the context of GSD, in order to develop a framework of challenges and solutions that can be applied in both research and practice.MethodWe conducted a systematic literature review (SLR) that synthesises (i) challenges which GSD imposes on software architecture design, and (ii) recommended practices to alleviate these challenges.ResultsWe produced a comprehensive set of guidelines for performing software architecture design in GSD based on 55 selected studies. Our framework comprises nine key challenges with 28 related concerns, and nine recommended practices, with 22 related concerns for software architecture design in GSD. These challenges and practices were mapped to a thematic conceptual model with the following concepts: Organization (Structure and Resources), Ways of Working (Architecture Knowledge Management, Change Management and Quality Management), Design Practices, Modularity and Task Allocation.ConclusionThe synthesis of findings resulted in a thematic conceptual model of the problem area, a mapping of the key challenges to practices, and a concern framework providing concrete questions to aid the design process in a distributed setting. This is a first step in creating more concrete architecture design practices and guidelines.
机译:ContextGlobal软件开发(GSD)尽管现在已成为软件行业的规范,但它带来了巨大的挑战,主要涉及通信和协调方面。当需要在站点之间转移知识时,特别是当分配给不同站点的软件工件相互依赖时,上述挑战就显得尤为突出。在减少这些挑战中,软件体系结构的设计和相关的任务依赖性起着主要作用。目标当前的文献并未提供有关在设计阶段如何考虑软件开发的分布式性质的整体描述:应避免什么,以及在实践中有效的方法。本文的目的是要了解GSD环境下的软件架构,以便开发可应用于研究和实践的挑战和解决方案的框架。方法我们进行了系统的文献综述(SLR) (i)GSD对软件体系结构设计提出的挑战,以及(ii)建议缓解这些挑战的实践。结果我们根据55项选定的研究,制定了一套全面的指导原则,以在GSD中进行软件体系结构设计。我们的框架包括9个主要挑战,涉及28个相关问题,以及9个推荐实践,以及22个与GSD中的软件体系结构设计相关的问题。这些挑战和实践被映射到具有以下概念的主题概念模型中:组织(结构和资源),工作方式(体系结构知识管理,变更管理和质量管理),设计实践,模块化和任务分配。得出了问题领域的主题概念模型,将主要挑战映射为实践,并提供了一个关注框架,该框架提供了具体问题以帮助分布式环境中的设计过程。这是创建更具体的体系结构设计实践和准则的第一步。



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