首页> 外文期刊>The Information Society >Strategic Warfare in Cyberspace, by Gregory J. Rattray. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2001. ⅸ + 517 pp. $49.95. ISBN 0-262-18209-2.

Strategic Warfare in Cyberspace, by Gregory J. Rattray. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2001. ⅸ + 517 pp. $49.95. ISBN 0-262-18209-2.

机译:网络空间的战略战争,作者:Gregory J. Rattray。麻省剑桥市:麻省理工学院出版社,2001年。+ 517页。$ 49.95。 ISBN 0-262-18209-2。

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A favorite cyberwar threat scenario entails the downing of a jetliner as a result of either an enemy attack on the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) national air traffic control system or the targeted disruption of a plane's onboard computer and communication systems by a group of terrorists or a hostile foreign power. A great deal has been written in the last decade on both information warfare (opportunistic, tactical, and strategic) and network-centric terrorism, but the frequently apocalyptic scenarios rehearsed in the professional and popular press, of which the sabotaged jetliner is but one example, have yet to occur. Despite the numerous, widely reported incursions of Department of Defense (DoD) and other high-security computer systems and networks by hackers of one kind or another, the much heralded "digital Pearl harbor"―the rationale for establishing the Critical Information Infrastructure Commission in 1996 by then President Clinton―has not taken pace. As Gregory Rattray, a Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Air Force, notes in this compendious and remarkably level-headed volume, "The actual resiliency of key U.S. information infrastructures in the face of orchestrated, malicious attacks remains unknown" (p. 425). So far, the doomed jetliner scenario―the kind of scenario routinely developed and assessed by RAND consultants and other experts on military and guerrilla strategy―remains just that.
机译:在最喜欢的网络战争威胁情况下,由于敌机对FAA(联邦航空局)国家空中交通管制系统的攻击或一群恐怖分子或有意破坏飞机的机载计算机和通信系统而导致的客机降落敌对的外国势力。在过去的十年中,有关信息战(机会主义,战术和战略)和以网络为中心的恐怖主义的报道很多,但在专业和大众媒体中经常出现世界末日的场景,其中破坏性的喷气机只是其中一个例子,尚未发生。尽管一种或多种形式的黑客多次入侵国防部(DoD)和其他高安全性计算机系统和网络,但备受赞誉的“数字珍珠港”是在美国建立关键信息基础设施委员会的理由。当时的克林顿总统(1996年)并没有跟上步伐。正如美国空军中校格雷戈里·拉特雷(Gregory Rattray)在这本引人注目的,平庸的卷中所指出的那样,“面对精心策划的恶意攻击,美国关键信息基础设施的实际弹性仍然未知”(第425页)。到目前为止,注定要发生的喷气机情景仍然是那样,这种情景是由RAND顾问和其他专家在军事和游击战略方面常规开发和评估的。



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