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On finding the longest antisymmetric path in directed acyclic graphs


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Given a directed acyclic graph and a set of vertex pairs, an antisymmetric path is a directed path that does not contain vertices from the same pair in the set. The goal of the Longest Antisymmetric Path problem is to determine the longest antisymmetric path that connects two given vertices in the graph. The problem has important applications in software testing and bioinformatics. The problem is known to be NP-hard. In this paper, we study the computational lower bound of the problem, we show that the problem cannot be solved in time 2~(o(n~(1/3))) unless 3SAT can be solved in subexponential time. In addition, we study the inapproximability of the problem and show that the problem cannot be approximated within a ratio of (n-2)/2 in polynomial time unless P = NP. Our technique also suggests that both the lower bound and inapproximability also hold for directed acyclic graphs of degree at most 6.
机译:给定有向无环图和一组顶点对,反对称路径是不包含该集中同一对顶点的有向路径。最长反对称路径问题的目的是确定连接图中两个给定顶点的最长反对称路径。该问题在软件测试和生物信息学中具有重要的应用。已知该问题是NP难题。在本文中,我们研究了问题的计算下界,表明除非在次指数时间内可以解决3SAT,否则问题不能在2〜(o(n〜(1/3)))的时间内解决。此外,我们研究了该问题的不可约性,并表明除非P = NP,否则多项式时间内的问题不能在(n-2)/ 2的比率内近似。我们的技术还表明,下限和不逼近度也适用于最多为6的有向无环图。



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