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Information use and policy decision making by district assembly members in Ghana


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This study investigates information utilization for policy decision making by assembly members in Ghana's local government system. The survey method using questionnaires was used to collect data from 200 respondents drawn from a sample of 278 (72 percent response). The study revealed that the information needs of assembly members were related to their legislative and policy-making tasks within the assembly. It was found that policy makers in the assembly system of Ghana had little access to relevant and reliable information when making decisions about policies, programmes and policy implementation. Decisions were therefore often made based on what could be remembered. The study made a number of recommendations, including: the presentation of information sources in appropriate formats for assembly members; enhancing the capability of assembly members through training; the establishment of district assembly libraries and information centres; the provision of adequate funding by assemblies to support subscription to relevant information sources; and the effective dissemination of information by ministries, departments and agencies to the district assemblies.



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