首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Marine Sciences >The determination of sexual size dimorphism in long-snouted seahorse (Hippocampus guttulatus Cuvier, 1829) from the coast of Aegean sea

The determination of sexual size dimorphism in long-snouted seahorse (Hippocampus guttulatus Cuvier, 1829) from the coast of Aegean sea


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The study investigates the sexual dimorphism in 205 samples (female:98; male:107) consisting of newly deceased fishes seen in the fishnets of the commercial fishers and long-snouted seahorses (Hippocampus guttulatus Cuvier, 1829) obtained in two research projects, in the coasts of Aegean Sea. All samples were divided by their standard-length groups (I: 60-89 mm; II: 90-120 mm; III: 121 mm) of morphometric measurements. The sexes of the species differed in terms of tail length (TaL), dorsal fin base length (DL), trunk depth (TD9-10), and trunk length (TrL) (P 0.05). Accordingly, it was determined that the positively allometric growth TD9-10, DL, and TaL values in male seahorses were higher than those of the female seahorses. The females were longer than the males in terms of TrL. However, sexual differences according to the length groups in male seahorses were significant starting from the length group II. Sexual dimorphism seen in the body parts is more likely effective in the development of eggs that the males took from the females related with the sexual selection pressure, while the longer tails and dorsal fins suggested that male seahorses were more advantageous in balancing their body weight during mating behaviors (tail grabbing and courtship etc.). In this research, as H. guttulatus distributed in the coasts of the Aegean Sea showed differentiation starting from length group II, it is understood that, there was a sexual dimorphism in terms of TrL and TaL which determine the body size in mate selection.
机译:该研究调查了205个样品中的性二态(女性:98;男性:107),由商业渔民的渔网和长鼻子(Hippocampus Guttulatus Cuvier,1829)中获得的新已死亡的鱼类组成,在两项研究项目中获得,爱琴海的海岸。所有样品均由其标准长度组(I:60-89mm; II:90-120mm; III:> 121mm)分开。物种的性别在尾长(TAL),背鳍基础长度(DL),躯干深度(TD9-10)和躯干长度(TRL)方面不同(P <0.05)。因此,确定雄性海岸中的正常增长TD9-10,DL和TAL值高于女性海洋。在TRL方面,女性比男性更长。然而,根据雄性海绵的长度组的性差异从长度群II开始显着。身体部位中看到的性别二均态在鸡蛋的发展中更可能有效,鸡蛋从与性选择压力相关的女性中取出,而较长的尾部和背鳍表明,雄性海象在平衡它们的体重方面更有利交配行为(尾巴抓住和求爱等)。在这项研究中,随着在爱琴海的海岸中分布的H.Guttulatus显示出从长度组II开始的分化,据了解,在TRL和TAL方面存在性别二态,确定配偶选择中的体型。



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