首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Marine Sciences >Effect of temperature, salinity and size on cadmium toxicity in an intertidal gastropod, Turbo intercostalis (Gastropoda-Turbinidae) from Visakhapatnam, east coast of India

Effect of temperature, salinity and size on cadmium toxicity in an intertidal gastropod, Turbo intercostalis (Gastropoda-Turbinidae) from Visakhapatnam, east coast of India

机译:温度,盐度和大小对印度东部沿海维沙卡帕特南潮间腹足纲Turbo intercostalis(Gastropoda-Turbinidae)中镉毒性的影响

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Laboratory studies were made to determine the toxicity of cadmium in an intertidal gastropod, Turbo intercostalis in relation to temperature, salinity and size. The snails were exposed to various concentrations of cadmium at two different temperatures and salinities. The tolerance experiments were also conducted with medium and small sized snails. Mortality rates increased with increasing cadmium concentration at all the different parameters studied. At ambient temperature (29℃) and salinity (32per thousand), the LC_(50) of 6.1844 ppm was obtained for 96 hr when the medium-sized snails were exposed to different concentrations. The LC_(50) values of 0.3629 and 0.0577 ppm obtained at low (25℃) and high (33℃) temperatures respectively were found to be significantly (P < 0.05) lower than that of ambient temperature. Similarly, low LC_(50) values of 1.154 and 0.3722 ppm were observed at low (20per thousand) and high (35per thousand) salinities respectively. The small size animals showed LC_(50) value of 2.774 ppm, which is significantly lower (P < 0.05) than that of the medium sized snails. The results clearly demonstrated that the toxicity of cadmium changes with size and environmental variables in T. intercostalis.
机译:进行了实验室研究来确定潮间腹足纲中的镉在肋间涡轮中的毒性与温度,盐度和大小的关系。蜗牛在两种不同的温度和盐度下暴露于各种浓度的镉。还对中小型蜗牛进行了耐受性实验。在所研究的所有不同参数下,死亡率均随着镉浓度的增加而增加。在环境温度(29℃)和盐度(32 /千)下,将中型蜗牛暴露于不同浓度下,96 hr时的LC_(50)值为6.1844 ppm。分别在低温(25℃)和高温(33℃)下获得的LC_(50)值分别为0.3629和0.0577 ppm,比环境温度显着降低(P <0.05)。同样,在低盐度(20 /千)和高盐度(35 /千)时,分别观察到低的LC_(50)值1.154和0.3722 ppm。小型动物的LC_(50)值为2.774 ppm,比中型蜗牛的LC_(50)值低得多(P <0.05)。结果清楚地表明,镉的毒性会随着肋前轮虫的大小和环境变量而变化。



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