首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Marine Sciences >Changes in the hydrological characteristics of Chabihau coastal wetlands, Yucatan, Mexico, associated with hurricane Isidore impact

Changes in the hydrological characteristics of Chabihau coastal wetlands, Yucatan, Mexico, associated with hurricane Isidore impact


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This paper describes changes in the hydrologic behavior of Chabihau coastal lagoon, Yucatan, Mexico, associated with the impact of Hurricane Isidore (2002) and the construction of hydraulic infrastructure in coastal highways, through the spatiotemporal analysis of the water physicochemical variables, from the 1999 flood season to the 2005 dry season. The coastal wetlands were subdivided into three areas: San Crisanto swamp in the west, Chabihau lagoon in the center, and Santa Clara swamp in the east. After the hurricane impact and construction of bridges in the coastal dune, stronger tide's ebb into the Chabihau lagoon was recorded, changing it from a hyperhaline system to an euryhaline one. On the other hand, changes to hyperhaline conditions were observed in Santa Clara swamp during dry and flood seasons. After the hurricane, negative redox values were recorded throughout the entire Chabihau wetlands, in addition to a reduction in dissolved oxygen and pH, during both dry and flood seasons. This situation determined dominance of reductive processes in the three areas, with low temporal variability. If the salinization process continues in the Santa Clara swamp, changes may occur in the structure and composition of the mangrove forest.
机译:本文通过对1999年以来的水理化变量进行时空分析,描述了墨西哥尤卡坦半岛Chabihau沿海泻湖的水文行为变化,与飓风Isidore(2002)的影响以及沿海公路的水力基础设施的建设有关。汛期至2005年旱季。沿海湿地分为三个区域:西部的圣克里斯桑托沼泽,中部的查比豪泻湖和东部的圣克拉拉沼泽。在飓风冲击和沿海沙丘上的桥梁建造之后,记录到沙比豪泻湖的潮汐潮起潮落,将其从高盐度系统更改为高盐度系统。另一方面,在干旱和洪水季节,圣塔克拉拉(Santa Clara)沼泽地的高盐度条件发生了变化。飓风过后,整个夏比豪湿地记录了负的氧化还原值,此外在干旱和洪水季节,溶解氧和pH值均下降。这种情况确定了这三个区域还原过程的主导地位,时间变异性较低。如果圣塔克拉拉(Santa Clara)沼泽中的盐渍化过程继续进行,则红树林的结构和组成可能会发生变化。



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