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Trade liberalization and productivity of Indian manufacturing firms


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Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to assess the impact of India's trade liberalization during the late 1990s and 2000s on productivity of manufacturing firms and verify whether the productivity-enhancing impact of reductions in input tariffs was greater than that of output tariff cuts, as found in some earlier studies. Design/methodology/approach - Firm-level (company-level) data drawn from Prowess database are used for the estimation of total factor productivity (TFP) at the firm level, done by using the Levinsohn-Petrin methodology. Econometric models are estimated to explain firm-level TFP. The explanatory variables used are output and input tariff rates and quantitative restrictions on imports at the industry level and firm characteristics such as firm size, export intensity and import intensity. Firm-level panel data for 2002-2010 or for a longer period 1998-2010 are used for the estimation of econometric models. Model estimation is done by applying the fixed-effects model and IV-2SLS, 3SLS estimators and EC2SLS estimators. Findings - Trade liberalization had a significant positive effect on the productivity of Indian manufacturing firms. The lowering of output tariff had a greater beneficial impact on TFP of Indian manufacturing firms than the lowering of tariff on intermediate inputs. Originality/value - Good deal of care has been taken in the measurement of output and inputs for the purpose of TFP measurement. Two alternative frameworks, gross output and value added, are used. This helps in making a better estimate of the impact of trade liberalization on TFP.
机译:目的-本文的目的是评估1990年代末和2000年代印度贸易自由化对制造业公司生产率的影响,并验证投入关税降低对生产率提高的影响是否大于产出关税削减对生产率的影响,因为在一些早期研究中发现。设计/方法/方法-通过使用Levinsohn-Petrin方法,从Prowess数据库中提取的公司级别(公司级别)数据用于估计公司级别的全要素生产率(TFP)。估计计量经济模型可以解释公司层面的全要素生产率。使用的解释性变量是产出和输入关税税率以及在行业水平上对进口的数量限制以及公司特征,例如公司规模,出口强度和进口强度。 2002-2010年或更长时间(1998-2010年)的企业级面板数据用于计量经济模型。通过应用固定效应模型以及IV-2SLS,3SLS估计器和EC2SLS估计器,可以完成模型估计。调查结果-贸易自由化对印度制造企业的生产率产生了显着的积极影响。与降低中间投入品的关税相比,降低出口关税对印度制造企业的全要素生产率具有更大的有利影响。原创性/价值-为了进行全要素生产率的测量,在输出和输入的测量中已采取了许多谨慎措施。使用了两个替代框架,即总产值和增加值。这有助于更好地估计贸易自由化对全要素生产率的影响。



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