首页> 外文期刊>Image and Vision Computing >From inspection to process understanding and monitoring: a view on computer vision in manufacturing

From inspection to process understanding and monitoring: a view on computer vision in manufacturing


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We describe some of the current challenges in developing and validating computer vision algorithms for manufacturing applications. We focus on the general theme of template-based processing, where geometric templates provide a basis for local feature analysis, registration and recognition (via constraint-based modelling) and model adaptation using statistical methods. We describe recent successful applications of template-based techniques in the areas of manufacturing part inspection and process understanding and monitoring. We also examine the question 'Why are there so few computer vision applications in manufacturing?' We suggest that two of the major bottlenecks remain speed of algorithm development and how to validate algorithm performance with a limited data set. Finally, we identify some of what we see as emerging and future potential application areas of computer vision methods in manufacturing, where the current trend is to provide tools for continuous product improvement rather than (final) product inspection, and 3D measurement capabilities.



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