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Image analysis by bidimensional empirical mode decomposition


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Recent developments in analysis methods on the non-linear and non-stationary data have received large attention by the image analysts. In 1998, Huang introduced the empirical mode decomposition (EMD) in signal processing. The EMD approach, fully unsupervised, proved reliable monodimensional (seismic and biomedical) signals. The main contribution of our approach is to apply the EMD to texture extraction and image filtering, which are widely recognized as a difficult and challenging computer vision problem. We developed an algorithm based on bidimensional empirical mode decomposition (BEMD) to extract features at multiple scales or spatial frequencies. These features, called intrinsic mode functions, are extracted by a sifting process. The bidimensional sifting process is realized using morphological operators to detect regional maxima and thanks to radial basis function for surface interpolation. The performance of the texture extraction algorithms, using BEMD method, is demonstrated in the experiment with both synthetic and natural images.
机译:图像分析人员对非线性和非平稳数据的分析方法的最新发展引起了极大的关注。 1998年,Huang在信号处理中引入了经验模式分解(EMD)。完全不受监督的EMD方法被证明是可靠的一维(地震和生物医学)信号。我们方法的主要贡献是将EMD应用于纹理提取和图像过滤,这被广泛认为是一个困难且具有挑战性的计算机视觉问题。我们开发了一种基于二维经验模式分解(BEMD)的算法来提取多个尺度或空间频率的特征。这些功能称为固有模式功能,是通过筛选过程提取的。使用形态学算子来检测区域最大值并借助径向基函数进行曲面插值来实现二维筛选过程。实验使用合成图像和自然图像证明了使用BEMD方法提取纹理的算法的性能。



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