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Person Re-Identification by Spatial Pyramid Color Representation and Local Region Matching


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Person re-identification is challenging due to illumination changes and viewpoint variations in the multi-camera environment. In this paper, we propose a novel spatial pyramid color representation (SPCR) and a local region matching scheme, to explore person appearance for re-identification. SPCR effectively integrates color layout into histogram, forming an informative global feature. Local region matching utilizes region statistics, which is described by covariance feature, to find appearance correspondence locally. Our approach shows robustness to illumination changes and slight viewpoint variations. Experiments on a public dataset demonstrate the performance superiority of our proposal over state-of-the-art methods.
机译:由于多相机环境中的照明变化和视点变化,人员重新识别具有挑战性。在本文中,我们提出了一种新颖的空间金字塔颜色表示(SPCR)和局部区域匹配方案,以探索人的外貌以进行重新识别。 SPCR有效地将颜色布局整合到直方图中,从而形成信息丰富的全局特征。局部区域匹配利用协方差特征描述的区域统计信息来局部查找外观对应关系。我们的方法显示出对照明变化和轻微的视点变化的鲁棒性。在公共数据集上进行的实验证明了我们的建议相对于最新方法的性能优势。



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