首页> 外文期刊>IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences >A Digital Neural Network for Multilayer Channel Routing with Crosstalk Minimization

A Digital Neural Network for Multilayer Channel Routing with Crosstalk Minimization


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A digital neural network approach is presented for the multilayer channel routing problem with the objective of crosstalk minimization in this paper. As VLSI fabrication technology advances, the reduction of crosstalk between interconnection wires on a chip has gained important consideration in VLSI design, because of the closer interwire spacing and the circuit operation at higher frequencies. Our neural network is composed of N x M x L digital neurons with one-bit output and seven-bit input for the N-net-M-track-2L-layer problem using a set of integer parameters, which is greatly suitable for the implementation on digital technology. The digital neural network directly seeks a routing solution of satisfying the routing constraint and the crosstalk constraint simultaneously. The heuristic methods are effectively introduced to improve the convergence property. The performance is evaluated through solving 10 benchmark problems including Deutsch difficult example in 2-10 layers. Among the existing neural networks, the digital neural network first achieves the lower bound solution in terms of the number of tracks in any instance. Through extensive simulation runs, it provides the best maximum crosstalks of nets for valid routing solutions of the benchmark problems in multilayer channels.
机译:本文针对串扰最小化的问题,提出了一种用于多层通道路由问题的数字神经网络方法。随着VLSI制造技术的发展,减小芯片上互连线之间的串扰已成为VLSI设计中的重要考虑因素,这是因为更近的线间间距和较高频率下的电路工作。我们的神经网络由N x M x L个数字神经元组成,分别使用一组整数参数来解决N-net-M-track-2L层问题,其一比特输出和七比特输入,非常适合于实施数字技术。数字神经网络直接寻求同时满足路由约束和串扰约束的路由解决方案。有效地引入了启发式方法来提高收敛性。通过解决10个基准问题(包括2-10层的Deutsch困难示例)来评估性能。在现有的神经网络中,数字神经网络在任何情况下都首先实现了轨道数量的下界解决方案。通过广泛的仿真运行,它为多层通道中基准问题的有效路由解决方案提供了最佳的最大网络串扰。



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