首页> 外文期刊>IEICE Transactions on Communications >A Preemptive Priority Handoff Scheme in Integrated Voice and Data Cellular Mobile Systems

A Preemptive Priority Handoff Scheme in Integrated Voice and Data Cellular Mobile Systems


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In this paper, we propose a preemptive priority handoff scheme for integrated voice/data cellular mobile systems. In our scheme, calls are divided into three different classes: hand- off voice calls, originating voice calls, and data calls. In each cell of the system there is a queue only for data calls. Priority is given to handoff voice calls over the other two kinds of calls. That is, the right to preempt the service of data is given to a handoff voice call if on arrival it finds no idle channels. The in- terrupted data call returns to the queue. The system is modeled by a two-dimensional Markov chain. We apply the Successive Over-Relaxation (SOR) method to obtain the equilibrium state probabilities. Blocking and forced termination probabilities for voice calls are obtained. Moreover, average queue length and average transmission delay of data calls are evaluated. The re- sults are compared with another handoff scheme for integrated voice/data cellular mobile systems where some numbers of chan- nels are reserved for voice handoff calls. It is shown that, when the data traffic is not very light, the new scheme can provide lower blocking probability for originating voice calls, lower forced ter- mination probability for ongoing voice calls, and shorter average queue length and less average transmission delay for data calls.



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