首页> 外文期刊>電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 >A Treatment of Multiple Metrics in Set-Theoretic Adaptive Filtering Based on Product-Space Formulation

A Treatment of Multiple Metrics in Set-Theoretic Adaptive Filtering Based on Product-Space Formulation


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We address the issue of exploiting multiple metrics jointly for efficient adaptive filtering. The key is the introduction of product-space formulation for taking into account multiple metrics in a single Hilbert space. We present two approaches, each of which derives an adaptive filtering algorithm through a different type of product-s­pace formulation. The first approach is based on the Pierra's idea of reformulating the problem of finding a common point of multiple closed convex sets as a problem of finding a common point of two closed convex sets in a product space. The resultant algorithm reproduces the improved proportionate normalized least mean square (IPNLMS) algorithm (Benesty and Gay, 2002) with a shorter step size. The second approach is a slight modification of the first one along the idea of constraint-embedding, thereby truly reproducing the IPNLMS algorithm. The monotone approximation properties of the two approaches are finally presented.%本稿では,適応フィルタにおける複数計量の効果的利用法について論じる.複数計量を単一ヒルベルト空間の計量として取り込むべく直積空間を用いた定式化を導入し,2種類のアプローチから適応アルゴリズムを導出する.第一のアプローチはPierraのアイデアに基づいている(Pierraは,3つ以上の閉凸集合の共通点探索問題が,直積空間で定義される2つの閉凸集合の共通点探索問題に帰着されることを示した).このアプローチを制約埋め込みのアイデアに基づいて整形することで,第二のアプローチが得られる.第一のアプローチから,小さなステップサイズを持つIPNLMS(Improved Proportionate Normalized Least Mean Square)法が得られるのに対し,第二のアプローチを用いると,IPNLMS法が厳密に再生成される.最後に,2つの適応アルゴリズムの単調近似性について議論する.



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