首页> 外文期刊>IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics >A multiscale model for structure-based volume rendering

A multiscale model for structure-based volume rendering


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A scalar volume V={(x,f(x))|x∈R} is described by a functionnf(x) defined over some region R of the 3D space. We present a simplentechnique for rendering multiscale interval sets of the form Isn(a,b)={(x,fs(x))|a⩽gs(x)⩽b}, where anand b are either real numbers or infinities, and fs(x) is ansmoothed version of f(x). At each scale s, the constraint a⩽gsn(x)⩽b identifies a subvolume in which the most significantnvariations of V are found. We use a dyadic wavelet transform tonconstruct gs(x) from f(x) and derive subvolumes with thenfollowing attractive properties: 1) the information contained in thensubvolumes are sufficient for reconstructing the entire V; and 2) thenshapes of the subvolumes provide a hierarchical description of thengeometric structures of V. Numerically, the reconstruction in 1) is onlynan approximation, but it is visually accurate as errors reside at finenscales where our visual sensitivity is not so acute. We triangulateninterval sets as Α-shapes, which can be efficiently rendered asnsemi-transparent clouds. Because interval sets are extracted in thenobject space, their visual display can respond to changes of the viewnpoint or transfer function quite fast. The result is a volume renderingntechnique that provides faster, more effective user interaction withnpractically no loss of information from the original data. Thenhierarchical nature of multiscale interval sets also makes it easier tonunderstand the usual complicated structures in scalar volumes
机译:标量V = {(x,f(x))|x∈R}由在3D空间的某些区域R上定义的函数nf(x)描述。我们提供一种简单技术来渲染形式为Isn(a,b)= {(x,fs(x))| a⩽ gs(x)⩽ b}的多尺度间隔集,其中anand b是实数或无穷大, fs(x)是f(x)的平滑版本。在每个标度s上,约束a⩽ gsn(x)⩽ b标识一个子卷,在其中找到V的最显着变化。我们从f(x)使用二进小波变换tonconstruct gs(x)并得出具有吸引特性的子体积:1)子体积中包含的信息足以重建整个V;和2)子体积的形状提供了V的几何结构的层次描述。从数字上讲,1)中的重建仅是近似值,但是它的视觉准确性是精确的,因为误差存在于我们的视觉灵敏度不是那么敏锐的精细尺度上。我们将间隔集三角化为A形,可以有效地渲染半透明云。由于间隔集是在对象空间中提取的,因此它们的视觉显示可以相当快地响应视点或传递函数的变化。结果是一种体积渲染技术,该技术可提供更快,更有效的用户交互,并且实际上不会丢失原始数据中的信息。然后,多尺度间隔集的分层性质也使得更容易理解标量中通常复杂的结构



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